American media: Only one person could convince Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race | News in brief

American media Only one person could convince Joe Biden to

US President Joe Biden discussed withdrawing from the presidential race with his family members over the weekend. According to the American media, the family urged him to keep fighting.

President of the United States Joe Biden the family urges him to continue the fight in the presidential race, New York Times and The Guardian made news.

Biden reportedly spent the weekend with his family at Camp David.

Sources close to Biden tell the American media that the family encouraged Biden to continue in the race.

Especially Biden’s wife Jill Biden and Biden’s son Hunter Biden believe incumbent President Biden is the best candidate to beat Trump and encouraged him to stay in the fight.

American NBC wrote that only Joe Biden’s wife Jill Biden could convince Biden that he should not continue in the presidential race.

Also New York Times, Axios and Financial Times wrote over the weekend that Jill Biden’s opinion will decide whether Biden will continue in the race.

Biden’s presidential candidacy is talking in the United States

Last week, Democratic candidate Biden faced Republicans Donald Trump’s in the first election debate of the presidential election.

The performance of the 81-year-old Biden was described as a disaster, among other things.

According to experts, Biden failed in the debate, and he has been called to withdraw from the race.

According to Biden’s campaign team, Biden had the flu and was therefore quieter than usual.

According to the Guardian, the president’s relatives were said to be critical of how Biden’s advisers had prepared him for the election debate.

There is no consensus in the Democratic Party on whether Biden should withdraw from the race. The Democrats don’t have a candidate as popular as Biden.

Biden would have to decide to drop out of the race himself so that the Democrats could nominate a clearer and more energetic candidate.

The New York Times wrote on Saturday in his opinion piece that handing over Biden in the election would be the best thing he could do to serve his country.

Similar articles have also been published in the American media about Trump. For example Philadelphia Inquirer wrote that Trump should drop out of the race to serve his country.
