American democracy in danger?

American democracy in danger

In The Conservative Revolution in the United States. From abortion to the right to vote, democracy perverted (Editions de l’Aube), Ludivine Gilli deciphers the springs of this reactionary wind blowing over the United States.

Tuesday, November 8 is the midterm elections in the United States. From the start of the campaign, the Republicans bludgeoned on inflation, on insecurity, to denounce the results of the Biden administration. For their part, the Democrats realized belatedly that they could not ignore the economic situation, whereas at first they had thought of challenging the right to abortion by the Supreme Court, their priority line of attack against the Republicans, as the decision of the institution had aroused a wave of indignation in the country.

► Ludivine Gilli is a doctor in history and director of theNorth America Observatory of the Jean Jaurès Foundation.
