Amélie Cordonnier, when sex is gone

Amelie Cordonnier when sex is gone

In her third novel, Amélie Cordonnier depicts with humor and derision the psyche of a man faced with the abstinence he faces in his marriage. “Not tonight” is the story of a husband consumed by desire and abandoned without explanation by his wife.

He counted them. It’s been 8 months, 2 weeks and 4 days since he last touched his wife. Since she refuses him, since she has a separate room, since she spends her nights in the room once occupied by their daughter, this fifty-year-old suffers. He suffers, because he feels fallen: in the eyes of his wife, in the eyes of the world, in his own eyes too.

So he asks himself: what happened? Why did their couple, so complicit, so in love, so solid, crack at this point? Is it his fault? Did she get tired? Does she still love him since she hasn’t left? Does she have a lover? And without sex, how to continue to love? How can we live this forced abstinence when the object of desire is inaccessible but within reach, and when sex is everywhere whether in conversations between friends, in the street, or on screens?

In his third novel, Amelie Shoemaker plunges us into the throes of a wounded man, struck by an implacable and unexplained decision. The title resounds like a slap: “Not this evening”. The book is published by Flammarion editions.

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