AMD Sets A New Record In The Processor Market!

AMD Sets A New Record In The Processor Market

One of today’s largest technology companies AMD, the CPU share is growing day by day. Hosting many new users, AMD broke a new record in the x86 market!

AMD has been making new investments in every field lately. Intel’s reign x86 Gradually gaining its dominance in the CPU category, AMD broke many records in the x86 market.

Research by the technology world has shown us that AMD is generally in the x86 market. 27.7% broke the record with one share. This has shown us that AMD is growing its success exponentially with each passing period.

Although Intel still has a large share of the x86 market, AMD’s push is noticeably larger. Especially with the newly released AMD Zen, it left many records behind. Currently, Intel 72.3% Although it has a share, AMD’s share may surpass Intel in the future.

Having achieved great success in CPU, AMD could not achieve the same success in GPU. It still exists in many forms and Steam top of the list Nvidia exists. It is estimated that AMD will also invest in the GPU area in the coming days.

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