AMD RYZEN AI 5 340 benchmark results have come

AMD RYZEN AI 5 340 benchmark results have come

Amd Ryzen AI 5 340 performed in Geekbench tests. Radeon 840m increased by 19 %compared to the previous generation.

Introduced in CES 2025 AMD RYZEN AI 5 340Zen 5 stands out as a processor developed for budget -friendly devices with its architecture. The processor seen in the Geekbench tests performed with a score of 14,285 points in the OpenCL test with the integrated graphic unit Radeon 840m and a 19 %higher than the predecessor Radeon 740m. This result shows the increase in productivity of AMD with low power consumption by the new Krakkan Point series.

AMD RYZEN AI 5 340 benchmark results

Radeon 840m, the integrated graphics unit of Ryzen AI 5 340, has a RDNA 3.5 -based architecture. The 14,285 points he received in Geekbench tests leave the 11,991 points of Radeon 740m. However, the fact that Radeon 840m has only four GPU calculation units (CU) creates restrictions compared to more powerful models in graphic performance. For example, the Radeon 860m in the same series reaches 26,401 points with eight GPU calculation units and offers 54 %higher performance than 840m.

However, Radeon 840m stands out as a sufficient option to meet the basic graphics needs on affordable devices. It aims to provide a successful experience especially in daily use with low power consumption, especially on mobile platforms.

Amd Ryzen AI 5 340 can reach a clock speed of up to 4.8 GHz with six core and twelve thread. Geekbench OpenCL test results offer an important indicator to measure the performance of the processor’s integrated graphics unit. However, since these tests do not fully reflect the general processor performance, multi -core and single -core test results are also eagerly awaited.

AMD’s Krakkan Point series offers a wide range of processors from budget -friendly mobile devices to premium models. Ryzen AI 5 340’s results show that there may be a strong alternative for entry -level devices. Nevertheless, future software optimization and detailed test results will reveal the real potential of the processor.
