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Late on Sunday evening, a burglary took place at an ambulance station in Stockholm.
Entire sets of ambulance clothing have been stolen along with a vehicle.
– It is upsetting and especially sensitive when it comes to blue light personnel. People must be able to trust us, says an ambulance paramedic.
It was around 9pm on Sunday evening that the police received the alarm about a burglary at an ambulance garage in Sköndal in southern Stockholm.
– When we get it to us, the break-in must have taken place about an hour earlier. I don’t know how they got in, says Daniel Wikdahl, police spokesperson.
“People must trust us”
Entire sets of ambulance clothing, including outer jackets, have disappeared from the premises.
The perpetrators are said to have also taken two computers, a speaker and headphones – as well as a car key.
– The car key must be for a private vehicle, says Wikdahl.
The fact that the break-in is taking place against an ambulance garage and that work clothes have disappeared upsets members of the corps.
– That you only take clothes and nothing else, it’s a bit strange. It’s about the fact that you might do something to individuals, so it becomes very sensitive when it comes to blue light personnel, people should be able to trust us, says an ambulance paramedic in the Stockholm region.
Police: Don’t know the purpose
According to the police, it is unusual for blue light clothing to be stolen, but at the moment no special measures are being taken in the matter.
– We don’t know what the purpose was for taking the clothes, so the classification is theft by burglary, says Wikdahl.
At the moment there is no suspect in the case and paramedics now want the public to pay attention.
– These clothes can be used to get into people and maybe rob, but you can also get into hospitals and the like where there are narcotic preparations.
The chief doctor: Risks falling into the wrong hands
Region Stockholm states in an email to Aftonbladet that they have now sent out information about the theft to the care providers.
“We take the incident very seriously. It is always serious when our equipment risks ending up in the wrong hands,” writes Patrik Söderberg, chief physician for prehospital care in Region Stockholm.
The business moved into the premises two weeks ago. Region Stockholm is now investigating how to avoid burglaries in the future.
“We do not comment on security in detail around our premises. We are going through with Falck what happened in this case to be able to prevent it from happening again”.
He continues:
“The ambulance staff is one of our most important social functions that meet people in extreme need. It is of course very serious if a person who is not trained in healthcare pretends to be an ambulance worker”·