Ambitious photo editing system: Google Imagen Editor

Ambitious photo editing system Google Imagen Editor

Pretentious “artificial intelligence” assisted photo editing system Google Imagen Editoris located in a future display position.

Google Currently, it is among the names that do the most work on artificial intelligence. However, the company has been in the field of artificial intelligence for many years and therefore offers access to advanced infrastructures, making very different systems possible. The newest of these Google Imagen Editor it happened. The system, which is still under development, that is, not open to everyone, focuses directly on photo editing. The system, which reveals a huge potential for the future, allows making changes on a photo uploaded to it by just writing. to the details Here our new place Photoshop feature Generative FillThe technology that brings to mind can also add new objects to selected areas by simply typing, and can expand photos realistically with artificial intelligence. The system, which is not yet known about the date of its opening to the public, may be included in Google Photos in the future or used as a separate web-based service. can be offered.


Google was previously an artificial intelligence-based music creation system. MusicLM sounded with. The system, which is similar to artificial intelligence systems that visualizes written texts, focuses directly on music production. Google, which has not signed a first in this regard, has developed its own of MusicLM states that it is more advanced than other examples. According to reports, the system has been trained with more than 280 thousand hours of music, so it can turn what is written into finished music in almost any genre. According to the statement, the system, which is said to be able to perform complex productions, not only combines genres and instruments, but also writes pieces using abstract concepts that are normally difficult for computers to grasp. The system, which can even create melodies based on humming, whistling or a picture’s description, can blend more than one genre in a piece of music, but unfortunately not available for everyone at the moment. Copyright concerns (Among the 280 thousand hours of music used in education, there are some that are protected by copyright.), it is stated that Google will continue to use the system internally, no information is given for public use yet.
