Ambitious exoskeleton prepared for security forces [Video]

Ambitious exoskeleton prepared for security forces Video

exoskeleton models have been in our lives for a long time and make the lives of many people much easier, while also focusing on the security side.

exoskeletonis a name given to general products developed to reduce the burden on people’s bodies. There are many mechanical skeleton options currently in active use. Besides commercial versions, military versions have been tested for a long time, these mechanical supports are especially It can seriously improve the quality of life of people working in automobile factories. Exoskeletons are getting closer to becoming a part of daily life with developing technologies. The last option we encounter in this regard is ExoM Up-Armored Exoskeleton happened. Directly focusing on security forces The exoskeleton looks more comfortable than many similar ones and bears the signature of Germany-based Mehler Protection. The product, supported by Mawashi Science & Technology and the French police force GIGN, carries bulletproof plates and thanks to its structure, it does not leave the weight of these plates on the wearer (soldier or police). The skeleton, which is stated to be able to take up to 70 percent of the total load from the shoulders of the wearer, is produced using titanium and Unlike many of its competitors, it is passive, meaning it does not carry a motor or battery. In this respect, it is both lightweight and does not leave any extra trouble for security forces to think about (such as charging, maintenance, etc.).


The skeleton we encountered before in this regard is a more casual option. hypershell Omega had happened. Omega, which has a much more compact structure than many of its counterparts, provides support through the motors it carries by being attached directly between the waist and the knee, and appeals to many people, especially athletes.

According to Hypershell’s statement, the product, which the company focuses especially on people who go out on the field frequently, is available to the wearer with a single button. can add one horsepower. The product, which has a total weight of only 2 kg, can be carried in a bag thanks to its foldable structure. The model, which can take up to 30 kg of weight from the person wearing it, supports speeds of up to 20 km/h and a support range of 25 km is announced with its built-in battery pack.

Hypershell OmegaAccording to the statement, it has eight passive joints, one of which is active, for smooth and unlimited movement up to a certain level. Using built-in sensors to monitor torque, position and force, the exoskeleton tracks leg movement and can properly provide the necessary support within milliseconds through two positioned processors.
