Amazon Prime’s almost forgotten fantasy series returns this week after a 4 (!) year wait

1690281013 Amazon Primes almost forgotten fantasy series returns this week after

good omens was one of the best series of 2019. After the 6 episodes of the 1st season, Amazon’s fantasy comedy as a book adaptation * by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett was told to the end. Nevertheless, the hope for Season 2 stubbornly persisted, and now, four years later, despite many obstacles, it has come true.

Fantasy Returns: When is Good Omens Season 2 coming to Amazon Prime?

Because on Friday the July 28, 2023 starts Season 2 of Good Omens on Amazon Prime*. And just like Season 1, everyone will be again this time 6 episodes at once published. So you can be sure of a fantasy weekend. The episodes are each about 45 minutes long, you need about 4.5 hours for the entire continuation of the fantasy series.

The fan reactions to the Good Omens return are euphoric, even if hardly anyone can remember what season 1 was about.

What happened again in Good Omens Season 1?

In Amazon’s Good Omens Season 1, we meet the angel Erziraphael (Michael Sheen) and the demon Crowley (David Tennant) at a difficult time: the Apocalypse was imminent and thanks to a confusing baby swap, heaven and hell oversaw the false antichrist.

Good Omens – S01 Trailer (German) HD

After living among humans for a long time, the two unlikely friends from different camps wanted the avert end of the world and stopped the real (and not-so-evil) son of Satan, Adam (Sam Taylor Buck), with the help of a witch hunter (Jack Whitehall) and a witch (Adria Arjona) at the end of Season 1 of the fantasy series.

But you don’t really need too many memories of the fantasy events in Season 1 of Good Omens, because Season 2 tells a whole new story at Amazon. At most you should dust off your Bible knowledge about Job and certain archangels.

What is Good Omens Season 2 on Amazon Prime about?

Gabriel (Jon Hamm), who starred in season 1 as the vain archangel, dives naked and without memories in front of Erziraphael’s bookshop. The angel hides the actually unloved ex-supervisor to first find out what’s going on here. Demon sidekick Crowley gets involved rather reluctantly.

It is not long before heavenly and hellish personnel come knocking on their door. Doubts about the divine clarity of good and evil are the result. Parallel to this one supernatural conspiracy but there’s still room to bring two neighborhood lovers together.

Watch Amazon’s German trailer for Season 2 of Good Omens here

Good Omens – S02 Trailer (German) HD

At first glance, Good Omens Season 2’s fantasy tale (about amnesia and psychic matchmakers) may take place on a smaller scale than Apocalypse Season 1. But the increased focus on Erziraphael and Crowley’s angel-devil relationship (including flashbacks) promises a new emotional depth for the Amazon series. And also that Jon Hamm’s first condescending and now goofy character gets more space should bring a lot of joy.

Podcast for Series Fans: 13 Fantasy Highlights Coming Soon to Netflix, Amazon and More

Netflix, Disney+, Amazon and Co. have several exciting fantasy series in the starting blocks for the coming months. Whether it’s ghost detectives, German myths with villainous heroes or the real-life anime series for One Piece: we’ll introduce you to the next 13 highlights.

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Alongside The Witcher season 3, the angel-demon duo of Good Omens is returning to the stream for a season 2 after four years. You can also discover a few promising fantasy series that you probably haven’t heard of until now.

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