Amazon launches new series with Bastian Pastewka and Anke Engelke

Amazon launches new series with Bastian Pastewka and Anke Engelke

The names Bastian Pastewka and Anke Engelke stand for German comedy gold like no other. What began more than 20 years ago on the weekly show was still a bombastic combination on LOL: Last One Laughing. No wonder, then, that the two shoot a series together for Amazon Prime Video.

After LOL: Bastian Pastewka and Anke Engelke join forces again for Amazon

A press release reveals that for Amazon Prime Video now an original series with the two comedy stars is to come. It is the first joint series project of the two.

Information on the content and a title are not yet known. However, the Amazon series is to a certain extent the logical conclusion for the grandiose duo, who, in addition to the weekly show and LOL, also celebrated many moments together in other comedy formats such as Pastewka or Ladykracher.

When will the series with Anke Engelke and Bastian Pastewka come to Amazon Prime Video?

According to the press release, the release of the series is for 2024 planned. Until then, fans of the two can already guess in which format both will be seen. Pastewka and Engelke as lovers? Who would not take out a Prime subscription?

Podcast: The 20 Best Series Launches of February on Netflix, Disney+ and More

Need more fresh streaming tips? You can find the most exciting series that you can stream on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and more in February here in the monthly preview:

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