Amazon launches its first “Amazon Style” clothing store

Amazon launches its first Amazon Style clothing store

Amazon has just announced Amazon Style, its first physical clothing store, with a scheduled opening. later this year “. The firm attempts to combine the benefits of online and real-world shopping.

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The largest online merchant continues its expansion in the world physical. After the Amazon Books bookstores, Amazon 4 Star dedicated to the best rated products, the Amazon Go and Amazon Fresh supermarkets, and finally the takeover of Whole Foods, this time the giant is launching into the clothing market with Amazon Style.

In her new generation fashion boutique, Amazon attempts to combine the online shopping experience with the benefits of the physical store. The first Amazon store Style will be located in the suburbs of Los Angeles, in a building of nearly 3,000 m². The firm promises a much larger selection of styles than a traditional store by presenting only one copy of each.

A customer is shopping in the Amazon Style store. © Amazon

High-tech fitting rooms

Each item will come with a QR code to scan to add it to theapplication mobile. From there, the customer will be able to see the sizes and colors available, as well as the reviews left by other buyers. All it takes is one click to send your basket to the collection counter, or to a fitting room. The application will notify the user when a cabin is ready with the requested clothes. It will even be possible to have clothes delivered on the website to try them on and Amazon will take care of the return if they are not suitable.

Each fitting room will have a touch screen to continue choosing items, and customers can request to try on other sizes without leaving the room. Amazon will use machine learning algorithms to analyze customer preferences to make recommendations. At the end, it will be possible to pay with Amazon One, its biometric payment system that scans the palm of the hand without contact. Amazon hasn’t given a specific date yet, but says the store will open this year.

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