Amazing new information about three-legged slippers: In the future, use is allowed with a special ticket | Sport

Sweden tried to get Kristiina Makelanki to the jumping final

The International Association of Athletics Federations says it allowed the banned jumping shoe because many athletes had no other equipment option. In the future, use requires an additional insole.

Athletics EC Championships 7.6–12.6. Ylen channels. See the schedule and broadcast information of the games at this link.

The Adizero TJ/PV slipper model manufactured by Adidas, which is the World Athletics of the International Association of Athletics Federations in the rules unequivocally prohibited product in all field sports.

At the Olympic Stadium in Rome, for example, in qualifying 14th and not in the final Kristina Mäkelän three athletes who used that model went ahead. The objection of Sweden, which made a protest, was rejected in Rome late on Friday, although the Adizero TJ/PV, designed mainly for the triple jump and pole vault, was still completely prohibited on the World Athletics lists for field sports.

Confusing email

On Saturday, Urheilu got hold of an e-mail sent by the international federation to all its member countries, the content of which is quite amazing. However, it means that using the slipper model in the European Championship is not prohibited. The message was sent to the member countries on June 6.

World Athletics says that it has already noticed that a large number of Adizero TJ/PV shoes were used at the World Indoor Championships in Glasgow in the spring and winter, despite the ban.

During the spring, the association decided to release the model temporarily, for a special reason.

– Since some of the athletes did not have any product allowed by the slipper rules, we determined the period during which this model can be used. It is June 6-1. July. In the meantime, use is free, World Athletics wrote in its message, the content of which reached the athletes very differently.

To make the situation even more complicated, the use of Adizero TJ/PV may be fully permitted even after the beginning of July, for example at the Olympic Games in Paris.

– Adidas is currently developing a new additional insole for the sneaker model. When placed inside the slippers, they should pass the World Athletics field sports slipper regulations, the post reads.

World Athletics emphasizes that in the future only Adizero TJ/PVs equipped with an additional insole are allowed.
