Amanda Eliasson and Erik Wahrolén’s relationship after Robinson

Erik Wahlorén’s time in Robinson came to an end in Sunday’s island council – at least for now.
When he later appears in
The borderland Amanda Eliasson breaks down.
For TV4, Amanda talks about the reaction and about the relationship with Erik today.
– We talk daily, she says.

After her former team got together behind her back with the goal of sending her out, Amanda Eliasson had to leave Robinson. But her actions in both Robinson and Gränslandet have since been met with love from the television viewers.

– It’s overwhelming, it feels completely sick. Before it started to air, I was worried about how it would feel, I am affected by what happened in there, says Amanda now to TV4.

– Self-confidence took a hit, there you go and feel “shit, I’m probably too much, I take up too much space, I should be more jante – there’s a majority who think the same and they might be right in what they say” , says Amanda.

But in retrospect, the worry turned out to be superfluous, now she looks at her Robinson journey with proud eyes.

– The only thing I thought about when I was there was that I wanted to have fun and keep my honor. I can look at the program now and feel that yes, that is me and feel a sense of pride in it.

Amanda Eliasson on the relationship with Erik Wahrolén after Robinson

In Monday’s episode of Gränslandet, Amanda’s partner Erik Wahrolén appears after he was voted out in Sunday’s island council. And we can see a sad Amanda who realizes that it is Erik who is coming with the boat.

– I was just so damn sad, I just thought no, no, no Erik you should stay in there. My vision when I passed on Elin to Robinson was that I would win Gränslandet, but when I saw Erik I felt that I wanted to give him that win, says Amanda.

In Robinson, we could see that Amanda and Erik clicked almost immediately, that they would see each other at home in Sweden after the program was quickly decided. And the tight relationship has lasted after the recordings.

– Our relationship is great, we talk daily. We are each other’s moral compass, we discuss everything between heaven and earth together. It’s so nice to have a person who has been through the same things you’ve been through yourself, says Amanda.
