Amala Dianor, bar body

Amala Dianor bar body

I don’t really know who he is. I know he dances like he breathes. I know talking isn’t his thing. Dancing, flying (from moonwalking to break dancing) being in motion, that’s his thing. The movement begins for him in the land of the sabar and Doudou N’diaye rose, in Senegal.

His feet won’t let go, even and especially on the Parisian asphalt. Of course, he will tell you about his career as a dancer, passed by hip and hop, also by the Superior School of the National Center for Contemporary Dance in Angers (in France). You don’t realize behind a radio what it’s like to dance. Amala Dianor is so inside, that to speak about it is to put oneself outside, him, whose signature is identified in France as well as internationally. So we’re going to try to talk about three of his choreographies on tour and on the bill for the next Festival d’Avignon: Siguifin, woman & Zero point.

Amala Dianor’s musical choices

Roots Manuva movements

Xalam Doley
