Also seen in Turkey! What are the symptoms of monkeypox virus? What should I do to protect myself from the virus?

Also seen in Turkey What are the symptoms of monkeypox

Monkeypox virus continues to spread rapidly all over the world. On June 30, it was announced that monkeypox virus was seen in Turkey. According to studies on the monkeypox virus, which is seen as a variant of smallpox, the vaccine provides 80 percent protection. After the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the monkeypox virus is also seen as a virus epidemic. Monkeypox virus can be transmitted from an infected animal or from another human being infected with monkeypox.


The appearance of the first symptoms can occur anytime between 5 and 21 days. The most common symptom onset is 6-13. identified as an inter-day process. Although the symptoms are similar to smallpox, which caused major epidemics in the past, it progresses in a slightly different way. Among the most basic symptoms are:

  • High fever
  • Head, back and muscle aches
  • Swelling in the lymph nodes
  • state of fatigue
  • chills and shivering
  • Rash on the skin, similar to chickenpox, that appears as small blisters filled with water



Paying attention to the hygiene rules that help protect against all diseases is the most important stage of protection. For this, hands should be washed regularly with soap and water, and after touching dirty surfaces, face or respiratory organs should never be touched until hands are cleaned. Since animal meat is an important route of transmission, only well-cooked meat should be consumed. Apart from this, people who spend time in nature should also be careful. Stray and wild animals, including dead animals, should not be approached. Animals that are seen in nature and do not look healthy should never be touched. Since rodents are an important way of transmission of the disease, if there are areas where animals such as mice are detected, these should be cleaned and disinfected in detail. If there are foodstuffs stored in such areas, they should also be destroyed. Individuals with skin blisters similar to chickenpox and who show signs of infection such as fever, chills, chills should definitely go through an examination by applying to health institutions. Products such as clothes, towels and bedspreads used by these individuals should not be touched, or if there is common use, they should be terminated immediately.
