already 1.5 million admissions in France for the film with Tom Holland

already 15 million admissions in France for the film with

It may not have had good press in the world, but Uncharted is already a commercial success, we know it since its first weekend of exploitation since the film had already reached 139 million dollars revenue, for a budget of 120 million dollars. But this trend is maintained in the second week and allows the Sony Pictures film to exceed 226 million dollars worldwide, which ranks it as the number 1 film of the moment. In France, success is also present with almost 1.5 million tickets sold (1,426,917 to be exact), ahead of Maison de Retraite (with Kev Adams) and Vaillante (the animated film of the moment) which both made 1 million admissions. With a slight drop of 36% in attendance in the second week, Uncharted is doing quite well, knowing that the winter holidays must push parents to take their young children and teenagers to see a film that promises a trip to the four corners of the world. Too bad, however, that we see more of our actors on green screens than in natural daylight.
