Alpine skiing: Aleksander Aamodt Kilde four months after the crash: “Have no feeling in the calf”

Kilde lost control on the final steep and lay down for 35 minutes before being airlifted to hospital in Bern, where he was supported by girlfriend Mikaela Shiffrin, who had taken the weekend of January 13-14 off.

For the first time after the extensive operations on the calf and shoulder, he had to sit in a wheelchair.

Everyday life has started to return and Kilde is training but feeling the effects of the accident. Several nerves around the calf and lower leg were more or less severed.

– I feel nothing, nothing at all. It’s just tight, says Kilde and pulls over VG’s calf and lower leg.

In addition, the injured arm cannot be lifted above head height.

– It has been a long road to get to where I am today. It’s been a rollercoaster ride. Now I am back to a normal life. But that’s not enough to win races. Now I’m at a level where I’m thinking about coming back as an athlete again, says Kilde to VG.
