Alopecia in women: why does it grow back?

Alopecia in women why does it grow back

Female alopecia is abnormal hair loss in women: the hair becomes thinner and brittle. It is necessary to consult when the loss is no longer compensated by natural regrowth.

Are you losing more hair than usual? On the top of the head? Are they thinner, more brittle? If this hair loss, medically called female alopecia, is generally not worrying, it should lead to to consult when she is no longer compensated by natural regrowth. Alopecia occurs in women for several reasons.

What is female alopecia?

Alopecia corresponds to a temporary loss of hair, partial or total. It is diffuse and abnormal. We distinguish alopecia chronic, when the hair loss is continuous and the new hair is increasingly thin, thetransient alopecia” immediately explains Dr Pascal Reygagne, dermatologist and venereologist.

Does hair grow back after alopecia? A long time after ?

Minoxidil allows regrowth in half of users within approximately 3 months

The hair grow back completely in cases of alopecia unless the trigger persists. “In the case of a chronic alopecia, treatment with Minoxidil allows regrowth in approximately half of users in a delay of approximately 3 months. At the start of treatment and during the first 6 weeks, hair loss may occur but this is caused by the elimination of dead hair which will be replaced by thicker and stronger hair, develops our expert. This effect can disturb the patient but it is transient and on the contrary means that the treatment is effective.” reassures Dr Pascal Reygagne. For transient alopecia, women will generally have to wait a full year to regain their volume and quality of hair before loss.

What are the symptoms ?

“Alopecia in women is manifested by hair loss at the front of the skull and on the top of the head but in general the hair remains dense behind (occipital area)” specifies the dermatologist. “In the case of so-called androgenetic alopecia, the diameter of the hair is uneven that is to say that part of the hair fiber is refined but not all hair. what we call a anisotrichia“continues the expert. In this type of alopecia, the hair cycle is too fast, in other words it grows and falls out too quickly.”A normal hair cycle lasts around 5-6 years whereas in this case it is reduced to 2-3 years which tires the roots more quickly. explains Dr Pascal Reygagne.

Photo of female alopecia (loss on the top of the head) © cattyphoto –

How many women affected?

Alopecia affects both women and men (baldness). It is more difficult for women to accept. But in general they are a little less prone because female hormones protect against hair loss. “We think that 40% of women develop diffuse alopecia after menopause often not very severe and not very visible and only prompting a medical consultation in the most serious cases” specifies the dermatologist.

What are the causes of female alopecia?

Transient alopecias occur within two months after the triggering episode who can be :

  • the post-childbirth
  • there menopause
  • a strong fever
  • a weightloss
  • A diet poorly adapted
  • of the surgical operations
  • a Covid-19 infection
  • a serious infection
  • taking some drugs (against psoriasis, anti-epileptics, anticoagulants)
  • anti-cancer treatments (the chemotherapy)

Chronic alopecia, for its part, can be linked to:

  • A lack of iron
  • A thyroid problem
  • A hormonal imbalance such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • hereditythe most common cause.

Treatment depends on the cause and type of alopecia. In general, alopecia in women is treated with Topical minoxidil lotion 2% in local application morning and evening every day. “This treatment does not require a prescription but it is not recommended to take it during pregnancy indicates our interlocutor.

► “If the alopecia is a reaction to a cause, we can stop the treatment when the hair has grown back.”

► “If the alopecia is chronic, the treatment must be continued, otherwise the loss will resume.”

Alopecia can also be treated with appropriate contraception, that’s to say “with some anti-androgen pills which allows you to have less hair growth, less oily skin, less acne and which promote the lengthening of hair growth cycles” explains the dermatologist.

For the drug-induced alopecia, the treatment must be stopped or modified.

In the case of a lack of iron, we will prescribe a dietary supplement supplementation.

If the woman suffers from hormonal imbalance, hormonal dosages will be prescribed to be taken between the second and fifth day of the period: “You will have to wait 1 to 2 months after stopping the pill” recommends Dr Reygagne.

Are there any natural treatments?

“There is no no truly effective natural treatments to treat alopecia (massages and essential oils will not cure it)” supports the dermatologist. “We can nevertheless promote a balanced diet. A vegetarian diet may lead to iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies and in this case supplementation should be recommended.” specifies the expert. The frequency of washing does not matter. “It’s important to wash your hair as soon as it is dirty, there is no need to force yourself to space out shampoos because dirty secretions are irritating and can promote inflammation” specifies Dr Reygagne. In this case it is necessary focus on gentle shampoos for frequent use. “But the anti-hair loss shampoos do not exist. You must be aware that no shampoo has any power to prevent or prevent hair loss.“insists Dr Pascal Reygagne.

Are black women at higher risk of alopecia?

“Alopecia affects all hair types and equally whatever the nature or color of skin” answers the dermatologist straight away. The only particularity of frizzy or very curly hair is that alopecia is often called “traction”. “In other words, alopecia is caused by very tight hairstyles such as pigtails and braids or even by straightening techniques. Heating devices (plates, straighteners, curlers, etc.) weaken the hair shafts and can promote hair loss. “You have to stop pulling on your hair, burning it, leave it alone. Minoxidil can regrow hair if traction is stopped early enough” recommends the expert.
