alongside Marine Le Pen, Jordan Bardella launches the RN campaign in Marseille

alongside Marine Le Pen Jordan Bardella launches the RN campaign

Party boss and head of the list Jordan Bardella was in Marseille this afternoon for a first meeting in the presence of Marine Le Pen and in front of several thousand people. The two far-right leaders defended their concept of “Europe of Nations”.

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Jordan Bardella denounced this Sunday “ the erasure of France » in Europe and targeted the “great eraser” Emmanuel Macron, during a meeting in Marseille in front of 5,000 people, launch of his European election campaign which intends to capitalize on good polling momentum.

On the outskirts of the Vélodrome stadium, the head of the National Rally list received a standing ovation to the sound of “Macron resignation”, “Marine president” and “We are at home”, with the rare honor of speaking last, a privilege until then reserved for the triple unsuccessful candidate for the Élysée.

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What our leaders and the European Union have caused, hand in hand, is the great erasure of France which results in the decline of France at home, on its own soil, but also in Europe and in the world, he said. And the great eraser is called Emmanuel Macron “.

The 28-year-old candidate assured that June 9 should be “ day 1 of the alternation », faithful to the party’s strategy which intends to make the European elections a real mid-term election. “ There is no other option than victory “, he insisted.

Marine Le Pen present on the list

Marine Le Pen opened the meeting after a long stroll alongside Jordan Bardella in the middle of the public, under deafening music and a swarm of blue-white-red flags. She notably denounced the “ cynicism ” and the “ warrior postures » of a President Macron « under siege », faced with which the RN will propose a “ thoughtful and resolute, national and popular transition “.

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We had been expecting it for a few weeks, Marine Le Pen announced that she will appear on the RN list for Europeans in last place, “ symbolically », reports our special correspondent in Marseille, Pierrick Bonno.

The Marseille meeting, “ Most important », inaugurated a series of around ten public meetings scheduled over the next three months, including one in Paris on May 1. This first meeting – billed for 400,000 euros out of a total campaign budget of 4.32 million – allowed the RN to test a new slogan: “France returns”, subtitled “Europe revives », a nod to Ronald Reagan’s phrase “America is back”.
