Huge battle robots and lots of action in the new RPG from the creators of the Elden Ring. But Armored Core 6 isn’t for everyone and numerous players on Steam are despairing of the crisp difficulty.
What kind of game is this? Armored Core 6 is the latest game from the creators of Elden Ring, FromSoftware. The RPG comes up with big mechs and brute action. However, as you’ve come to expect from this studio, the game is no easy nut to crack.
Almost half of the players on Steam are currently still biting their teeth off a boss.
FromSoftware shows Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon in the overview trailer
“It’s enough for me, I’m waiting for a patch”
What is this boss? Balteus is the boss in the first act of Armored Core and probably the first really tough boss. Armed with flick missiles and a flamethrower capable of melting your mech into a lump of metal, Balteus presents quite a challenge.
Most players will probably need at least a couple of hits before they can get a feel for the opponent and figure out the right strategy. Currently, 4 days after the release, 58.7% of the players on Steam have the “Contact” achievement, which is available for defeating Balteus (as of August 29, 7:25 p.m.).
On Reddit, numerous gamers share how difficult they find the boss. The creator of an August 27th thread wrote something like: “Balteus is IMPOSSIBLE. […] I’ve beaten every FromSoft game like 50 times so I’m used to the difficulty but oh my god this is on a whole other level.”
In an edit, however, the player jubilantly announced that he had finally defeated the boss. But others feel the same way:
Other players offer well-intentioned advice and tips on how to bring the boss to his knees. Still others can only smile wearily. They say, “Welcome to Armored Core. Git gud.”
Among the players currently digging their teeth into Armored Core is none other than well-known MMORPG streamer Asmongold. As an experienced player you could expect practice in dealing with nasty bosses and a certain tolerance for frustration, but far from it:
Twitch streamer Asmongold gets so badly hit by the new action game from the makers of the Elden Ring that he ends the stream