Almost forgotten fantasy drama with Brad Pitt and 3 (!) hours running time

Almost forgotten fantasy drama with Brad Pitt and 3

Brad Pitt is one of the biggest Hollywood stars of our time. He will next be seen in potential Oscar nominee Babylon. Most recently, he shone in Ad Astra and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. His work goes back much further. Especially in the 1990s he could often triumph on the big screen.

From Interview with a Vampire to 12 Monkeys to Fincher masterpieces Seven and Fight Club, Pitt has become a superstar in this decade. Just before the turn of the millennium he played in one gigantic fantasy drama with, which is hardly mentioned nowadays: Rendezvous with Joe Black.

  • Stream now: You can currently watch Rendezvous with Joe Black on Amazon Prime with a streaming subscription at no additional cost.
  • Brad Pitt plays Death on Amazon Prime in fantasy drama Rendezvous With Joe Black

    Rendezvous with Joe Black was released in 1998 and is based on the 1934 drama The Black Majesty. This, in turn, is an adaptation of the Italian play
    La morte in vacanza
    by Alberto Casella, first performed in 1924. Joe Black has a long history behind him.

    You can watch the trailer for Rendezvous with Joe Black here:

    Rendezvous with Joe Black – Trailer (German) HD

    But who is this mysterious gentleman brought to life by Pitt over a period of three hours? Life is already a tricky word Joe Black is death in human form. As part of the film, he pays a visit to dying billionaire William “Bill” Parrish (Anthony Hopkins).

    However, Black doesn’t just want to take the billionaire to the afterlife. No, he came to get to know life and people. From this curiosity, a deeply tragic story unfolds, told with great emotion and even greater calm – a old-fashioned, melodramatic Piece of 1990s cinema.

    Rendezvous with Joe Black belongs to a very specific breed of delicately told films that now seems to be extinct. Large-scale, grown-up dramas that don’t shy away from becoming a slow-moving one Emotional film to become, there is hardly anything to be discovered in the cinema these days.

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