Many French people waste this liquid by throwing it into their sink every week. However, it is a real Elixir and it is free!
Potatoes are one of the vegetables that most often appear on our dinner tables in France. And it is not surprising, because the potatoes are both cheap, tasty, poor in calories and healthy. The healthy character of potatoes is particularly notable because they are a source of many precious minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. In addition, potatoes contain almost all vitamins, including a very high content of vitamin C.
But what to do with cooking water? You still don’t plan to throw it in the sink like many French? Rich in starch from potatoes, this water has magical powers. It would be really unfortunate to deprive yourself of your wonderful benefits. In fact, the main characteristic of starch is its degreasing power. He simply has the ability to trap and absorb fat! But starch also has many other virtues that make your cooking water miraculous! Here is the list of his magic benefits and uses.

It is first of all a superhero for your garden. On the one hand, the cooking water of the potatoes is a natural weedkiller, on the other hand, it is an organic fertilizer. A combo that we are delighted to discover! If you sprinkle your plants with potatoes (previously cooled) once a week, you will see the effects in just one month. For the weedkiller side, therefore pour your lukewarm cooking water directly on weeds: it’s effective every time!
Second asset is the secret for dazzling tiled floor. Once a month, pour in your bucket of cooking water still lukewarm potatoes, then clean your tiles with it. Leave on for 10 minutes then rinse with cold water. Goodbye bland tiles!
Potato water is also the best friend of your silverware. As we know, silverware requires special care. The thing is to soak a cloth of potato cooking water and then clean your silverware with. Guaranteed natural shine! Not only is he the friend of your silverware, but also of your crystal glasses. Just soak them in potato cooking water and then wipe them with a soft cloth. No trace and cleanliness guaranteed!