Game Master Joel has given you a tough task in Helldivers 2, but there are problems in the galactic war.
In Helldivers 2 there is currently a general order with a seemingly impossible task for the brave fighters of the over-earth: you have to free a total of 5 planets from beetles within 3 days. Two days have already passed and you only have just under 26 hours left (as of March 21st, 11:00 a.m.).
Now the community manager “Baskinator” has forwarded a message from Game Master Joel to the players. He explains that there is currently a bug in spreading freedom.
What kind of bug is this? The bug appears to be a game bug that prevents progress when conquering planets from being properly recorded. Joel’s message on the official Helldivers 2 Discord server states:
Helldivers! We know there is a problem with the Galactic War not properly recognizing your effective spread of freedom. We are actively investigating the issue and will update you as soon as we understand the issue and can provide you with a solution. Thank you for your patience as we work out some software bugs.
Game Master Joel via Discord
So it’s entirely possible that the planets you have to liberate for the general order would have significantly more progress if the bug didn’t exist.
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What happens now with the general order? There is currently no official statement from the developers as to what will happen next with the general order. However, it appears that the timer for the command is paused.
It is not yet known whether the developers will extend the time you have to successfully complete the command.
Does the bug also affect personal commands? No, according to current information, the error only affects the liberation of the planets.
However, the personal order, which you must complete on March 21st, requires you to get 10 kills with the one-time anti-tank. This should therefore not be affected by the error.
Not only bugs, but also crashes are a problem right now
What’s with the crashes? As some players report on social networks such as Reddit, game crashes can currently occur in Helldivers 2.
The developers also announced on the shooter’s Discord server that they were aware of the problems and were already working on a solution.
Some players suspect the crashes could be related to the ARC-3 bow launcher. This is a support weapon that shoots lightning at your enemies.
The bow thrower is currently competing with various weapons such as the railgun for a place in the strongest builds: Helldivers 2: Best loadout – The strongest setup to survive as a solo player