(Ticker) – “The Whistleblowing Institute represents a tool essential for combating illegality and it has become a cardinal principle in the fight against corruption”. This is how he expressed himself Nicholas AlloccaChairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the BusinessOECD and Director of Risk, Compliance and Quality of Highways for Italyduring a hearing in the Hall of the Justice Commission of the Chamber.
“The whistleblower protection system contributes to foster a culture based on integrity, responsibility and trust: both in the public and private sector”, explains the manager, adding “supporting, as well as protecting whistleblowers, has now become essential to protect and safeguard the public interest. It is precisely in this context that the transposition of the European directive becomes an opportunity for the country to increase the capacity of response to illegality and malfeasance“.
The hearing, which brought together the Justice and Labor Commissions, took place as part of the examination of the draft legislative decree implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937, relating to protection of people who report violations of Union law.
Allocca, during his speech, also spoke of his experience as Director of Risk, Compliance and Quality of Autostrade per l’Italia, submitting “the Autostrade per l’Italia’s Compliance team is characterized by a multidisciplinarity of skills that goes beyond the legal ones: we have data experts, process engineers, business experts. Thanks to this approach Aspi manages to prevent illegal behavior through extraordinarily innovative and cutting-edge paradigms”.