Allergy: what pollens are circulating at the moment?

Allergy what pollens are circulating at the moment

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    Today begins the summer. Spring is behind us and yet the risk of pollen allergy remains high in almost the entire country, according to the latest bulletin from the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA).

    The “spared” departments with an average risk of pollen allergy are Mayenne, Sarthe, Orne, Isère, the departments around the Mediterranean (Alpes-Maritimes, Var, Bouches-du-Rhône), Vaucluse , Corsica, Eastern Pyrenees, Aude, Ariège, Haute-Garonne, Gers, Tarn-et-Garonne, Lot and Lot-et-Garonne. All the rest of the country is in red (high risk)!

    Grass pollen well present throughout France

    It is the grass pollens that will bother allergy sufferers the most since they are present in large numbers throughout France. Their presence is favored by the good weather and the high temperatures observed for several days.

    The many storms that will roam the country in the coming days will give allergy sufferers some respite because the upcoming rainfall will cause the pollen to fall to the ground. This will result in lower pollen concentrations in the air at the end of the week.

    The RNSA announces a low risk of allergy to oak, chestnut, olive, plantain, sorrel and nettle (urticaceae) pollen. Linden trees being in bloom, the risk of proximity allergies is possible. If you are allergic, do not stay under a flowering lime tree, warns the RNSA.

    An episode of desert dust

    Since June 20, the regions of the south-eastern quarter of the country have been experiencing an episode of desert dust and have been placed on orange alert. The mixture of desert particles, ozone and pollen can aggravate the symptoms of allergy sufferers. The RNSA calls for the greatest vigilance of allergy sufferers.

    If you are allergic, here are some tips to limit your exposure:

    • Regularly consult the pollen vigilance map on the site ;
    • Rinse your hair in the evening, ventilate at least 10 minutes a day before sunrise and after sunset;
    • Avoid drying clothes outside;
    • Keep car windows closed to prevent pollen from entering the cabin;
    • Avoid outdoor sports activities that lead to overexposure to pollen;
    • Also beware of air pollution which can exacerbate pollen allergies in some large cities.
