Allergy to pollens: France on red alert against grasses

Allergy to pollens France on red alert against grasses

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  • Posted 2 days ago,

    Reading 2 mins.

    The National Aerobiological Surveillance Network warns of the risk of pollen allergy in recent days. Almost all of France is exposed to a high risk.

    The site of the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA) updated its map of the risks of pollen allergies in France this Wednesday, May 18. The map reveals that almost the entire French territory is on red alert, including some departments such as the North or the Landes which are on yellow alert.

    Watch out for grasses

    “Beware of grass pollen whose concentrations are very high throughout the territory and will remain so for the next few days with days that promise to be summery and will promote the emission and dispersion of pollen in the air. The risk of allergy is high for grass pollen in almost all departments of France”can we read on the RNSA website.

    Grasses are herbaceous flowering plants that include cereals, reeds, bamboos, natural prairie grasses and cultivated lawn. They produce large amounts of pollen and can cause huge clouds of dust. Grass pollens would be the allergens most responsible for pollinosis in patients.

    What to do to limit pollen allergies

    You are allergic to pollen and you fear the arrival of symptoms? Here are some recommendations to apply.

    • Monitor the regularly published pollen calendars on the RNSA ;
    • Take a shower, and in particular wash your hair, and change your clothes after going out in nature in order to eliminate as much pollen as possible;
    • If the car has air conditioning, use recycled air or drive with the windows closed;
    • In the house, leave the windows closed when it is windy and the weather is dry, or even get an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter to eliminate pollen grains and irritating particles present in the air. ‘environment ;
    • Place anti-pollen filters on windows;
    • Wear a mask and sunglasses;
    • Ventilate your interior 10 minutes a day morning and evening.

    In case of aggravation of symptoms, consult your doctor or an allergist.

    Consult an allergist online

    What you should not do

    • Walk in dry, sunny and windy weather in high-risk areas;
    • Dry clothes outside, go out with wet hair because pollen settles on damp areas.
