Allergies: alert for ash and birch pollen

Allergies alert for ash and birch pollen

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    The national aerobiological monitoring network warns in its April 1 bulletin of the presence of ash pollen, which is still the most present in the territory. But according to their forecasts, in a few days, it will be birch pollen that will be in the spotlight, due to the good weather.

    Ash pollen currently has the highest levels in France, with an allergy risk ranging between medium and high. “Ash pollens are currently the most present throughout the territory, causing a risk of allergy that can reach a high level, as in Normandy and Isère.“confirms in its bulletin the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA).

    Birch pollens are coming

    However, ash pollen should soon be replaced by birch pollen, as the RNSA still indicates by writing these lines: “The pollens that could steal the show for them over the next two weeks are those of birch whose concentrations are increasing day by day with an allergy risk already at an average level in many departments in the west of France, as well as in Paris and Lyon region in particular”. They also have a medium to high allergy risk.

    Pollens that vary according to the calendar

    The presence of pollen in the air varies according to the flowering of the trees, which is not the same for everyone. At the end of winter, between the months of February and March, alder, birch, ash and cypress pollens are the most important. Between the months of April and May, there will be a strong presence of plane tree and cypress pollen, but also birch, willow, beech and hornbeam.

    Between the months of May and June, the olive tree presents an average risk. At the same period and until August, grass pollens are found in a significant way in the air. Finally, in summer, in the months of August and September, it is ambrosia that will predominate.

    Pollution impacts pollens

    As Alain Didier explained in the article “Can wearing a mask protect against allergies?”, pollens are “broken” by pollution and their entry into the body is therefore facilitated. This can aggravate the symptoms of a person suffering from allergic rhinitis or asthma. Fine particle pollution also acts on the mucous membranes which normally filter allergens.

    Result: they are more easily inhaled by the allergic person and increase their sensitivity.

    Consult an allergist online

    Allergic? Anticipate your treatment

    Pollen and the allergies that go with it happen every year at the same time. If you are allergic, it is still best to anticipate taking your treatment in order to limit your symptoms as much as possible. In addition, adopt these simple actions to avoid exposing yourself to your allergens:

    • Rinse your hair in the evening, to remove the pollen that would remain attached;
    • Ventilate your interior at least 10 minutes a day, very early in the morning, before sunrise and in the evening;
    • Let your laundry dry indoors: putting it outside would risk bringing the pollen back inside and they would remain attached to the clothes;
    • By car, drive with the windows closed, to avoid breathing a current of air laden with pollen
    • And of course if your symptoms worsen, consult your doctor or your allergist.
