The YouTuber “echohack” is part of the Diablo service site and claims to have already spent 1,200 hours in Diablo Immortal. Together with his team, he probably found loot limits that limit your rewards. MeinMMO shows the most important information about it.
The essentials in brief:
Diablo Immortal fans mock Pay2Win discussion: “Sorry I like the game”
“One should celebrate frequent players, but they will be punished”
The YouTuber “echohack” has been following the development of Diablo Immortal for over a year and was present at all test phases in which he was able to participate. According to his own statement, he already has over 1,200 hours in the game, most of it before release. As he says, he and his team were the first in the world to reach level 60.
He is part of the maxroll team, a popular English service site for Diablo where you can find builds, guides and lots of information about the games in the series (via Our own tier list for the best classes in Diablo Immortal is based in part on the site’s info.
As in the test phases before, he grinded in heavily after the release and had arrived at the server paragon just a few days after the start of Diablo Immortal.
And on his endless hunt for experience points, he and his team have noticed that many activities in the game are very limited.
He says he loves that Diablo Immortal caters to casual gamers who don’t spend 10 hours a day in many parts of the game. But unfortunately it goes so far that the frequent players, and thus the biggest fans, are punished.
Legendary gems are also much discussed. There is information about this in the video:
Diablo Immortal: What are Legendary Gems? Facts and locations in 3 minutes
echohack says: Pretty much every world activity has a soft cap
What are these caps? The YouTuber lists a lot of caps that he claims to have discovered with his team. It starts with legendary gear and extends to almost every activity in the open world.
This means that if you do something too often, your rewards will be significantly lower. But Diablo Immortal gives no indication of this in the game.
The following things are limited in one day:
Here in the example we mostly have a soft cap because you can keep playing the activities even though the rewards are limited but not completely gone. With a hard cap, you could no longer play the activity or there would be no loot at all.
In many RPGs there are such caps for certain character values. If you reach the soft cap, invested skill points won’t bring you as much afterwards. With a hard cap, the value no longer goes up at all.
In addition, echohack criticizes the low limit for the Paragon level. If you reach the current Server Paragon level, you will lose a lot of the experience points you have collected and will level up much more slowly.
If you are 11 levels above the server paragon, you only get 20% of the usual XP. There are no more tips for leveling, it takes forever. Incidentally, the server level increases by 2 levels every day.
Unlike the activities above, this is communicated with the Paragon level in game. But even here, as a frequent player, you quickly come across this soft cap and are punished for your passion for grinding, the YouTuber complains.
If you want echohack’s criticisms to be explained to you yourself, then we’ll embed his English video here. He also explains how these problems could be solved from his point of view:
How to bypass the caps? For the average player, many caps should rarely play a role. However, after level 60 you should focus less on activities in the open game world.
Dungeons, raids, portals, and general instanced activities appear better, although the soft caps on legendary gear and normal gems apply here as well, according to echohack.
He thinks it’s a shame that the action RPG seems to be penalizing exactly the players with the most passion for Diablo Immortal.
Have you also had experience with the loot caps and wondered why no box came after an event? Or maybe you even think it’s a good thing when the heaviest grinders are slowed down a bit? Please leave us a comment.
If you’d rather throw yourself into the grind now, you’ll find enough to do here: All set items in Diablo Immortal with a drop list – how you farm them, what they can do