Allamaye Halina, ambassador to China, appointed Prime Minister

Allamaye Halina ambassador to China appointed Prime Minister

Chad has had a new Prime Minister since Thursday evening, May 23. Following his inauguration, Mahamat Idriss Déby appointed Allamaye Halina as prime minister. Ambassador to China since January 2023, he had previously served as chief of protocol at the presidency for thirteen years. This choice is a surprise, but his loyalty to the Déby family and his profile make him a choice relay for the new president.

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With our special correspondent in N’Djamena, François Mazet

We were all far from the mark », recognizes a member of the outgoing government« it’s really a very personal choice of the head of state “.

If Allamaye Halina’s name was not mentioned during the tipsters’ conversations, her nomination meets several criteria. Already, it makes it possible to continue the use of a head of government from the south of the country, since Allamaye Halina was born in 1956 in the small town of Gounou Gaya, in the province of Mayo-Kebbi Est.

Then, with this technician profile, “ the president chooses someone to keep his commitments on social matters, and not get lost in political calculations », Estimates a minister. One of his former protocol collaborators describes Allamaye Halina as “ great administrator, with great experience, and a very humble person “.

Described as “big brother” by the president-elect

It is, in fact, at the presidency that the current ambassador of Chad in China spent most of his career, serving for a long time the former head of state Idriss Déby Itno, who died on April 20, 2021, then his son Mahamat Idriss Déby. A loyalty praised by the current leader of the country in his autobiography.

Mahamat Idriss Déby describes him as “ big brother » with whom he maintains a “ great complicity “. “ He is faithful among the faithful. Serving the marshal was more than a job, more than a vocation », he writes

Read alsoChad: international reactions to the election of Mahamat Idriss Déby differently appreciated
