In Min mamma, din papa things start to heat up between Jessica and Stefan. But she’s not the only one interested in him. – Stefan is a cool guy. Who doesn’t have a good eye for Stefan? says Frida, who is Jessica’s daughter. It turns out that all three women in the house are interested. And Stefan has a history of falling in love quickly, something that can become a problem in Villa Kärleksudden. In the show My Mom, Your Dad, the children of single parents secretly monitor their parents’ dating. The parents move into Villa Kärleksudden together and do not know that their children are monitoring everything and controlling their dating life. One of the single fathers is more popular than the others: Stefan. When Jessica and Stefan sneak away on a spontaneous date outside the villa, the children realize, as they watch their parents on TV screens together, that he has aroused the interest of all three women who are currently in the villa. – Stefan is a cool guy. Who doesn’t have a good eye for Stefan? says Frida, Jessica’s daughter, and continues: – Pia is interested, Mathilda is a little interested and mother too. Three out of three possible. Jessica and Stefan’s flirty date During Jessica and Stefan’s spontaneous date, they both reveal to each other that they feel attraction. – You look really good. I want to know more about you and am very curious about you, he tells her. Stefan’s daughter Elin reacts directly to their conversation: – Dad is flirting! Is Stefan ready to date again? At the same time, she knows that her father quickly falls in love. And Jessica has also felt concern about that matter. So she puts him against the wall. – You have said yourself that you are ready, but then I think: Are you really? He’s only been single for five months. – I haven’t been single that much between my relationships. Maybe a year, admits Stefan, but adds that he feels ready for a new relationship. How the daughter sees the date When Frida sees the confrontation, she feels that her mother is harsh, but likes Stefan’s honest answer. At the moment, she hopes that they find love in each other. – Stefan is my favorite and Elin is absolutely fantastic. I see her warmth in Stefan. He’s the one I think might be mom’s type. In the player above, you can see when Jessica and Stefan sneak off on their spontaneous date.
All three single mothers interested in the same man: “Three out of three possible”