These travelers are SNCF VIPs. It offers them many privileges throughout the year.
At the time of the big departures on vacation or in the middle of the week, some travelers using the SNCF network do not have the same experience as the others. These “VIP customers” benefit from significant additional advantages. Hot drink offered, comfortable seats, free press … The exclusive experience starts well before getting into the TGV or the reserved train!
A space is even reserved for them on the SNCF website to take advantage of discount vouchers, free access to monuments in France, a reservation platform for rental or taxis with various advantages or even Promo codes for discounts on sites as diverse as Delsey suitcases, vacation accommodation Center Parcs, Pierre & Vacances or Maeva.
But who are these travelers decidedly pampered by the SNCF? These are travelers benefiting from the “Grand Voyageur le Club” status, a very closed club accessible only by the invitation of the SNCF. It all depends on your past trips. If you accumulate 2,500 points in one year, the SNCF automatically sends you a “large traveler” card within 3 weeks, and if you have accumulated 4,000 on the clock (50 trips per year), you go up Grade with the premium status of “Grand Voyageur le Club”, also available by invitation.

This SNCF loyalty program thus wishes to reward its most loyal travelers. At each of the trips you make by train on the network, you discreetly combine premium points. These are the points that serve SNCF to greet regular travelers.
If you have obtained the Large Traveler status the club, you can access a space that many travelers do not even notice once at the station! The most used and appreciated service of the members of the loyalty program, the Large TGV Inoui traveler salons are spaces for relaxation and work where you can connect for free to WiFi, enjoy a gourmet break with hot drinks offered or Consult the press on site, well seated comfortably on seats oversized. It is accessed on presentation of his loyalty card and his ticket dated the day.
These comfort bubbles are found in 12 stations in France: the 4 major Parisian stations (Montparnasse, Gare de l’Est, Gare de Lyon, Gare du Nord) but also in the Bordeaux, Lyon, Rennes, Nantes, Marseille, Marseille, Marseille, Marseille, Marseille, Strasbourg, Lille Europe and Lille Flanders.
The VIP carrier of the “Grand Voyageur le Club” card also benefits from the guaranteed exchange service which allows the modification of its TGV e-belet for any other TGV of the same day on the same route, up to 30 minutes after the Departure from his train, including if it is complete without guarantee of a sitting space. Be careful however, “the tariff difference”, if it exists “between the two tickets, is to be paid” tells us SNCF.