All these retirees will receive 600 euros more on their pension, the transfer will arrive in a few days

All these retirees will receive 600 euros more on their

Many retirees will receive a nice sum on top of their pension.

A relief after months of waiting. In a few days, a large number of retirees will see a transfer appear in their bank account, on a rather unusual date. Before receiving their monthly pension, nearly a million of them will receive a nice sum, in addition to the income received each month. A financial windfall that will not be too much for these French people with low purchasing power.

This comes after a long administrative work carried out by the National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV), in order to allow beneficiaries to receive this money. “It was necessary to reconstruct the careers and sometimes even by going to search in the paper archives”, explains Renaud Villard, general director of the CNAV to our colleagues at Parisian.


These meticulous investigations have allowed the organization to find some 850,000 people who received a payment of 600 euros, on average, before the end of the month. This money is not a bonus or any kind of help from the State, but a real debt owed to the pensioners concerned. A debt that dates back several months and that the public authorities will finally regularize.

In 2023, a revaluation of minimum retirement pensions had been enacted, to benefit approximately 1.5 million retirees, from September 1, 2023. However, the political promise came up against administrative reality and the difficulties of identifying the public concerned. Thus, only a little less than half of the people supposed to benefit from the increase actually received it. After months of examining thousands of files, the Cnav has finally identified all the people eligible for the revaluation.

The money that will arrive therefore corresponds to the retroactivity of the increase, 850,000 pensions having not been revalued between September 2023 and September 2024. “The people concerned will receive an average of 600 euros, i.e. a catch-up over twelve months”, specifies Renaud Villard. The transfer should not be long since the director of the Cnav indicated that the fund would make the payment around Wednesday, September 25.

The beneficiaries of this revaluation are generally people who have worked all their lives with a salary close to or equivalent to the minimum wage. In addition, it is necessary to have contributed at least 120 quarters to be eligible for this increase in pension.
