All spotlight hours in June 2023 at Pokémon GO at a glance. We’ll show you all the Pokémon, bonuses and times and explain which shinys you can find and whether the events are worthwhile.
What are these events? Spotlight Hour starts at 6:00 p.m. every Tuesday night in Pokémon GO. These events last one hour and are active until 7:00 p.m. A Pokémon is then always the focus, together with a bonus that affects stardust, candies or experience points. At the beginning of each month, Niantic determines the combination of Pokémon and bonus for the month.
In our overview we show you all Pokémon and bonuses for the spotlight hours in June 2023.
All dates of the limelight hours in June 2023
Spotlight Hour on June 6th
Which Pokemon? At the first spotlight hour in June, you can expect 5 Pokémon at once. This is a special feature for these events, where otherwise only one specimen is in focus. You will meet Krabby, Kabuto, Cancer Corps, Scampisto and Krabbox.
What bonuses are active? You get triple the experience points for catching Pokémon.
Who is it worth it for? Different Pokémon are worthwhile for you depending on the use:
The triple XP bonus is especially worthwhile for players who are on their way to level 50.
Which Shinys can you catch? You can catch the Shinys from Krabby, Kabuto, Krebscorps and Scampisto. Only Krabbox does not yet have a dazzling version in Pokémon GO.
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Spotlight Hour on June 13th
Which Pokemon? At the second Spotlight Hour in June, you’ll meet the Pokémon Bithora. It is from the sixth generation of the game and can evolve into Thanathora.
What bonuses are active? For catching Pokemon, you get twice the amount of Candy.
Who is it worth it for? Thanathora plays in the lower midfield of the Superliga in PvP. In the Hyperliga, the attacker still makes it into the upper midfield, but has many stronger alternatives. You will not find a must-have attacker on this date.
Can you catch Shiny Bithora? Yes, the dazzling form of Bithora is already active in Pokémon GO and you can catch it if you are lucky.
Spotlight Hour on June 20th
Which Pokemon? The third Spotlight Hour in June brings you many encounters with Sonnkern. The Pokémon comes from the second generation of the game and belongs to the Plant type. Its advancement is Sonnflora.
What bonuses are active? For sending Pokemon, you get double the amount of candy.
Who is it worth it for? Neither Suncore nor Sunflora are important attackers in Pokémon GO. So you can use the hour mainly because of the shipping bonus or hope for your chance to find shinys.
Can you catch Shiny Suncore? Yes, Suncore’s shiny form is already active in Pokémon GO.
Spotlight Hour on June 27th
Which Pokemon? At the fourth and final Spotlight Hour in June, you will meet Dodu from the first generation of the game.
What bonuses are active? For evolving Pokémon, you get double the amount of XP.
Who is it worth it for? Neither Dodu nor the Dodri evolution are relevant attackers in Pokémon GO. Use the hour for XP bonus while evolving or hope to encounter Shinys.
Can you catch Shiny Suncore? Yes, the dazzling form of Dodu is already active in Pokémon GO and if you are lucky you can catch it.