All the guys who deal with chicks like Jens – read this

All the guys who deal with chicks like Jens

This text is a column with opinions that are the writer’s own and not Nyheter24’s.


Farmer Seeks Wife 2023 has come to the “What happened then?” bit, which always makes one clench their fist a little in pure nervousness.

To be honest, I think the farmers have done surprisingly well in previous years. Many of them can barely talk at the beginning of the season, the kisses are smacking and fumbling… and they sound like when you’re kind of eating a peach? As the icing on the cake, they are constantly nervous after hanging out almost exclusively with cows, pigs, horses and sheep.

The fruit salad scene in Farmer Wants a Wife made me crawl out of my own skin

Despite this, many people have found the right one, which has then meant moving in, getting married, having children and a really goddamn royal life.

But this year, the house of cards fell for two out of three.

Micke was the one who drew the longest straw this year. After dating a bunch of hot ladies, it was clear to him that it was Mariette who captured his heart. After the summer passed and Linda returned to the farm, the turtle doves were still together.

And GOD who gives him this. Now I hope they drink red wine in front of the fireplace, talk about life and eat freshly baked rolls on the terrace together.

People really need to realize that it’s really not too late to meet someone when you’re 50+. However, you have to keep in mind that it can be more difficult when you are less malleable because you have had your routines all your life.

You are more determined that you would rather shoot yourself in the foot than sacrifice Doobidoo for “some crap on TV3 that is still just a bunch of advertising”. When you have to choose dinner traditions with your partner as 50+, it can also be a struggle.

A calm discussion about eating at 17.00 or 20.00/drinking wine on a weekday/spending SEK 400 on a Parmesan cheese can ultimately be compared to the Eastern Front in 1944 with body parts and barbed wire everywhere. “Im too old, tired, and sober for this”, you think before finally giving up and lying flat.

But as I said – damn it’s so cozy when you’re together and sitting there by the fireplace.

Someone I was incredibly curious to see how it went this year was Jens Lundin. At the beginning of the season, Jens basically needed a snorkel and cyclops because he swam in so much…… girls 🙂

But then something happened. Apparently, it was little noticed that Jens had a clear favorite – namely Alexandra. On which he then chose to put all his gunpowder. He only saw her and probably felt after the speed dating that luck was made and now it was just a matter of going along.

Is it cheating in Farmer seeks wife 2023? “Stayed Overnight”

As a bonus, he gets to drink bubbly and date more brutes who are more than happy to do some shit for his sake.

But don’t shout hello before you’ve crossed the river. It all ended with Jens being left alone on the farm, and Sabina, who was left alone, had to act as a psychologist and afterwards felt quite rejected.

But there was one thing that really fell into place during the summer with Jens and the girls.

If you date several people at the same time and fall head over heels in love with one of them. Then it goes without saying that you should bet everything and bet cold?

Feelings cannot be forced, so if you are one of those who are now hungry for love but don’t feel that little something extra with the person you are with – keep looking.

It will be easier to argue about the parmesan then.
