all the clues and theories from episode 2

all the clues and theories from episode 2

MASK SINGER SEASON 4. With the second episode of Mask Singer came many clues about the other six costumes of the season. Two stars have been unmasked while the theories are rife. We take stock.

[Mis à jour le 31 août 2022 à 10h55] This Tuesday, August 30, TF1 ​​​​​​​​broadcast the second episode of Mask Singer season 4. The opportunity for the six remaining stars to make their debut on the mystery game scene after Frédéric Diefenthal and Marianne James were exposed last week. We were able to discover many clues about the Turtle, the Bride, the Monkey, the Knight but also the Genie and the Koala. The list of clues can be read further down in this article. After several performances, it was the Genie and the Koala who were eliminated from the competition. We were thus able to discover the sports commentator Yoann Riou under the costume of the Genie while it is the tennis player Marion Bartoli who had to be found under the mask of Koala. Below, find the clues and theories about the costumes of Mask Singer season 4.

  • Turtle clues and theories : In episode 2 of Mask Singer season 4, the Turtle revealed several clues, in particular that she was “speed” and “traveler”. We could also see Canada associated with the costume. La Tortue said he was “happy to be back where it all started”. For La Tortue, “home is the stage”. The star explains that it took a while to get started because she is “self-taught”. Theories are rife about the Turtle, but many agree that it could be comedian Anthony Kavanagh.
  • Clues and theories about the Bride : In episode 2 of Mask Singer season 4, several clues were delivered on the Bride who explains that she “chosen her path, not the most obvious for a woman”. However, she was able to find “a place in the club”. His magneto also showed a red star. Also, we learned that the Bride is not a professional singer. Several theories circulate around the Bride: Mercotte, Victoria Abril or Laure Boulleau for the investigators.
  • Clues and theories about the Monkey : The Monkey revealed a lot of information about her, including that she “performed in front of 75 million people”. She also explains that with the Bride, “we were crowned with gold”. Regarding his career, the Monkey reveals to have been “in the infancy of something that was going to become huge”. In his tape recorder, we can see a piano and Russian cigarettes. “Who would have thought that the little monkey would end up in the same place as Catherine Deneuve, Isabelle Adjani, Vincent Cassel?” The most credible theory about the Monkey is none other than the singer Alizée.
  • Clues and theories about the Knight : A character who arrived in Mask Singer at the time of episode 2, the Knight announces that “being on stage will bring back memories”. He seems to have rubbed shoulders with the great scenes of France a lot: “The Zenith, we took advantage of it. I say we because I was not alone”. The Knight “had the chance to be on stage with legendary artists”. We also know that a “doc” exists about it. Investigators are at a loss as to the Knight; Vitaa is thinking of Brahim Zaibat, Chantal Ladesou of Régis Laspalès, Jeff Panacloc of Pascal Legitimus and Kev Adams of Vincent Lagaf.
  • Mouse clues and theories : its magneto takes place in a cabaret setting. She wrote a book. We were able to see a photo of Raymond and Huguette from the Scenes of households series as well as a third place on a podium. She also announces that Mask Singer is not her first musical experience. Theories are rife about the Mouse, but there’s little consensus so far. On social networks, we could talk about Clara Morgane or even Iris Mittenaere.
  • Clues and theories about the Elephant : the character seems very connected to social networks. He is a singer. He shares a common point with Kev Adams and has “broken records”. The main theory concerning the Elephant is that of singer Keen’V.
  • Clues and theories about the Dalmatian : “I’m not one to obey wisely.” The Dalmatian is used to the stage. “An SOS really helped me and allowed me to impress the gallery.” It has also been seen paired with a pink helmet and a red phone. The most credible theory around the Dalmatian is comedian Christelle Chollet.
  • Clues and theories about The Pharaoh : the character announces that he adores sport and particularly football on which he has written a book. But for him, “the field is ancient history”. The main theory regarding the Pharaoh is actor Francis Huster.

The identity of the Koala revealed in Mask Singer episode 2 : The Koala will only have had the opportunity to sing and dance in episode 2 of Mask Singer season 4. The opportunity to learn more through many clues, in particular the fact that she was seen with Leonardo DiCaprio. While some Internet users imagined that Nabilla was under the mask, it was actually the tenniswoman Marion Bartoli who had to be discovered.

The identity of the Genie revealed in Mask Singer episode 2 : It was in the second episode of Mask Singer season 4 that the Genie took his first and last steps on stage in costume. Many of the clues about him referred to swimming. In addition, he told investigators that he had never performed on stage. Very quickly, the spectators and the investigators found that the attitude of the Genie was very similar to that of Yoann Riou. Unmasked in the process, it is indeed the sports commentator Yoann Riou who was in the costume of the Genie.

The identity of the Baby revealed in Mask Singer episode 1 : In addition, two stars were unmasked in episode 1 of Mask Singer season 4. In the middle of the episode, it was the Baby who revealed his true identity. It was the singer and former juror of New Star Marianne James. She is currently a juror of France has an incredible talent on M6. Regarding her clues, we knew that the Baby was a “child prodigy” (reference to the fact that she hosted the program Prodiges on France 2), who “always gives her opinion” (reference to her status as a juror in Nouvelle Star and LFAUIT). The number 1172 seen in his tape also corresponds to the number of performances of his show Ultima Recital. The shells were also a reference to his show called “Tata Jambon et ses Coquillettes”.

The identity of Gingerbread revealed in Mask Singer episode 1 : At the end of the show, it was Gingerbread who revealed its true face. And we had to find the actor Frédéric Diefenthal, known among other things for the Taxi saga and, more recently, the soap operas Tomorrow belongs to us and Here everything begins on TF1. Regarding his clues, he evoked “360 turns” in a car body, all in reference to the Taxi saga in which he played opposite Sami Naceri. “At the beginning, I was not at all ready for the stage, the light and the projectors”, indeed Diefenthal first began to train in the hotel industry. In addition, several clues referred to the kitchen, which is most likely a nod to the role of Antoine Myriel that he plays in Tomorrow belongs to us and especially Here everything begins where he is headmaster of a cooking institute. .

Program sheet

Here is the complete list of stars who participated in season 3 of Mask Singer. The winner, the Butterfly, was dancer Denitsa Ikonomova. The Banana actually hid Valérie Bègue while the Deer hid the actor Laurent Ournac. Gilbert Montagné hid under the costume of the Tree, Yves Camdeborde was in reality the Pig, Marc-Antoine Le Bret hid under both the mask of the Tigress and that of the Crocodile. Maud Fontenoy was actually under the costume of Poisson Corail and Alain Bernard behind that of Bernard l’Hermite. Finally, the Cosmonaut was actually hiding Pierre Palmade and the Chameleon Sylvie Tellier. As for the international stars of this season 3 of Mask Singer, Teri Hatcher (Desperate Housewive) made an appearance in the Ladybug costume, and vocalist Seal hid in the Cowboy costume.

During season 4 of Mask Singer, viewers will be led to unmask twelve personalities hidden under as many more or less eccentric costumes. Of these 12 costumes, 6 have already been unveiled: the bride, the gingerbread, the Dalmatian, the monkey, the baby and the pharaoh.

For its season 4, Mask Singer changes broadcast slot on TF1. In the wake of the change of box from Koh Lanta from Friday to Tuesday to consolidate the entertainment there on this date, Mask Singer will now be broadcast on Tuesday evenings from 9:10 p.m. on TF1. The first episode of Mask Singer season 4 airs Tuesday, August 23, 2022.

If, in the previous season, the casting of the investigators of Mask Singer had not changed, it was almost completely revised for Mask Singer season 4. Indeed, only Kev Adams keeps his investigator seat for this new season. For the occasion, two comedians will accompany him: Chantal Ladesou and Jeff Panacloc (as well as his friend, the puppet Jean-Marc). The singer Vitaa concludes the quartet of investigators.
