All information about starting the download on PC, Xbox, PS5

EA Sports FC 24 has been available for download for Xbox and PC gamers for a few days now. Current information is now also available for download for the PS5.

What does the preload bring you? Pre-orderers of the Ultimate Edition and EA Play FC 24 members can play EA Sports FC 24 on September 22nd, with the full release of the game following a week later. In order to be able to start on time, you should download the game file in good time or at least free up enough storage space for the automatic download.

We’ve summarized all the information for you about when the download or preload will be available for your console or PC and what file size you need to plan for for EA Sports FC 24.

EA Sports FC 24 Preload: Start time and file size

When can you download FC 24? While EA only published new pitch notes at the start of the web app or at the exact start time of the early access version, players on various fan platforms also reported on the game’s preload. The posts show when the download started for Playstation, Xbox and PC.

The owners of PC and Xbox were ahead, at least for the start time of the preload.

Ultimate Edition for PS5 is now available for preload

When does the download for the Playstation start? Starting today, September 20th, those who pre-order the Ultimate Edition can also download the game on the PS5.

When you turn on the Playstation, the preload will start automatically if you have pre-ordered. All you have to do is make sure you have enough free space so that the download can go smoothly.

What size does the FC 24 file have on the Playstation? This is 5 GB larger than on Xbox and PC and amounts to 49,150 GB. The MeinMMO editorial team discovered this when preloading the game on PS5.

Preload for PC and Xbox has been available for a few days

When does the preload start on PC and Xbox? User Xirra-die-irre reported on a few days ago that the preload was available via EA and Steam. This means PC players can already access the preload.

The same applies to the Xbox. In the community forum EA Answers HQ, a user asks when the preload for the Xbox Series X will be ready. After a community manager answered him with “in a few days,” the user spoke up again: “It (the preload, editor’s note) is already there.”

What is the file size on PC and Xbox? Another user comments on the post mentioned at the beginning about the preload with: “Yes, 44.72 GB can be downloaded.” When another user asked whether he meant for PS5 or PC, he replied: “PC”. (via

This would mean the new EA Sports FC 24 would be roughly the same size as its FIFA predecessor.

However, some players complain about problems with the download.

Problems downloading the pre-order version in the EA app

What problems can occur during preload? There are already a few posts in the EA Answers HQ community help forum in which players are having difficulties preloading the pre-order version. Apparently the problems are mainly related to the purchase process for the pre-order version in the EA app.

User L3OG8 reports in his help request (via EA Answers) that he got stuck in the preparations for the download. In his order history, payment for the pre-order edition is still being processed.

A community manager advises him to check his payment methods to ensure they are up to date and then follow his order history again. He also refers to the following link for further information about preloadings in the EA app (via EA Help(.

Other users also report this problem under the suggested solution.

So if you are also affected by this problem, please take a look at the forum. Maybe you will find a suitable solution there.

Overall, the release of EA Sports FC 24 is getting closer and closer. After numerous ratings were recently published, EA now also announced the new legends for the game – including Franck Ribéry. You can find an overview of the new icons in EA Sports FC 24 here.
