In the Pokémon GO Sinnoh Tour there are various habitats where you can encounter Pokémon. We have listed for you when these will take place and which Pokémon are waiting for you here.
What kind of event is this? The big worldwide Sinnoh Tour will take place this weekend on February 24th and 25th, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
What are habitats? Part of the event are various so-called habitats that are active at different times. They correspond to different habitats, with different Pokémon.
Here you can find Pokémon rotating every hour in the wild and in raids. We have listed for you what these are, when they take place and which Pokémon you can meet.
Schedule of habitats in the Sinnoh tour
What is the Sinnoh Tour schedule? The Sinnoh Tour habitats, which rotate every hour, are active twice every day. They run at the following times:
All Sinnoh Tour habitats with Pokémon
Which Pokémon are there in the habitats in raids? During the event you can find and face the following Pokémon in raids.
In the Busy Promenade and Toxic Excavation Sites habitats:
5* raids
3* raids
1* raids
In the Historic Grove and Geothermal Lagoon habitats:
5* raids
3* raids
1* raids
All Pokémon marked with a * can spawn as Shiny.
What Pokémon are there in the wild habitats? The following Pokémon are waiting for you in the wild in their respective habitats:
All Pokémon marked with an * are also available as Shiny. Skunkapuh appears as a shiny for the first time in Pokémon GO.
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Which Pokémon appear more frequently in smoke habitats? If you activate a smoke during the event (the daily adventure smoke is excluded), you may also encounter more Unown. Which unknowns appear depends on the current habitat.
The Unown can also appear in their Shiny variant.
What do you think about the Pokémon and their respective habitats? What do you think of the idea that the habitats rotate and change every hour? Are there any Pokémon that you are particularly looking forward to? Feel free to write us your opinion in the comments. You can also find an overview of the other events in Pokémon GO in February 2024.