Destiny 2 has several free seasonal events coming up in 2023, offering Guardians the opportunity to earn special rewards and challenges. In this article we provide an overview of these events and explain how they work.
We updated this article on October 13th with the new information about the 2023 Halloween event.
What are Seasonal Events in Destiny 2? There are special events in Destiny 2 that are special. These are the four free seasonal events. If one is active, Bungie will decorate the tower of the Last City with a lot of beautiful decorations, always matching the event.
Anyone who takes part in all events can earn a special title in addition to the individual event titles. In 2022 that was the “Schwelger” title.
Eva Levante is a “space grandma” and event specialist in Destiny 2: It’s also worth mentioning that only during these seasonal events will Guardians be able to meet the most famous space granny in the Destiny universe: Eva Levante. She is the contact person and main presenter for the seasonal events and also likes to introduce new event weapons.
MeinMMO now gives you a practical overview of the events and what to expect.
The Guardian Games – Spring Event
What kind of event are the Guardian Games? The Guardian Games is the spring event in which the various classes from Destiny 2 compete against each other – a kind of Olympic competition between Hunters, Titans and Warlocks.
Destiny 2: Lightfall – Trailer for the Guardian Games 2023
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When do the Guardian Games take place? The times always vary a little – depending on how Bungie has planned its content in a season. In 2023, the Guardian Games took place from May 2nd to May 23rd, 2023, over 3 weeks.
How does the event work? Bungie will set specific tasks during the Guardian Games event and hand out medals for completing them to see which class comes out on top.
Regardless of your class, achieving high scores advances you in the Guardian Games quest, allowing you to light more and more torches in the tower to receive rewards. From Bronze to Platinum, each torch unlocks a better reward than the last, so it’s worth it.
At the end of the Guardian Games, the winning team receives a year of bragging rights as well as a commemorative statue that is displayed in the tower year-round.
What reward was there at the 2023 Guardian Games?
Earn this Guardian Games title in 2023: The Guardians can earn event rewards using the event card, which is restocked for each seasonal event.
If you complete every challenge in the Guardian Games, you will receive the title “Champ”. He can also be gold plated, although this requires completing a few additional Triumphs.
When you upgrade your Event Card for 1,000 Silver, you’ll instantly unlock new rewards, and you can unlock even more with the passes you earn from completing challenges. However, you will receive the passes even if you have not upgraded the card.
You can earn these weapons in the Guardian Games in 2023:
Solstice – summer event
What kind of event is the solstice? Every summer in Destiny 2, it is customary to celebrate the time-limited “Solstice Event” in the European Air Zone.
Every year, the bright ornaments of the solstice armor are in high demand here, as are the very special cosmetics that wash up on the glittering dust beach of the Eververse.
Destiny 2 shows off your fancy, glowing armor in the new solstice trailer
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When does the solstice take place? The Solstice event will take place from July 18, 2023 to August 8, 2023 in Destiny 2.
How does the event work? Every year, the event also brings another area into play, the European Air Zone. In 2023, Guardians will once again have access to a special activity during the event. This is a type of horde mode called “Campfire Party”. The goal here is to build a huge campfire and unlock as many loot boxes as possible by killing mini-bosses.
What reward is there at the solstice?
This is what makes the solstice special: The Solstice event is also special in terms of rewards, as Guardians can unlock more than just one armor glow. You can also redistribute the values of the armor pieces you receive and thus influence your armor to a certain extent once in the game.
So if you still want to balance the values in your armor to make it perfect, you can’t avoid this seasonal event.
That was the title at Solstice: In 2022, players were able to secure the title of “Flame Keeper” at Solstice. He can also be gold plated, although this requires completing a few additional Triumphs.
These weapons could be earned at Solstice in 2023: Bungie donated the first-ever Strand rocket launchers to the Solstice event. In 2022, you could get your hands on a 120-gauge Stasis handgun called “Something New” with an aggressive casing.
Destiny 2 is bringing a new, far too powerful weapon to the event – “That can only be a mistake!”
On the next page we will show you the two events of the dark seasons.