All eyes are on that date! Kadyrov shared on social media: ‘We are ready’

All eyes are on that date Kadyrov shared on social

The war between Russia and Ukraine is locked in Bahmut. Russian and Ukrainian forces have been fighting in the city for months. For a long time, the superiority of the conflict was in the Russian forces, but Ukraine did not give up and began preparations for a counter-offensive.


After the leader of the Russian mercenary group Wagner, ‘we have no bullets’, the phosphorus claim was announced with an image served by Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine also made a statement about that attack. He claimed that the Russian army rained phosphorus bombs on the empty fields of Bahmut. Russia has accused Ukraine of using white phosphorus since the beginning of the war.


After the Wagner leader’s statement that we will withdraw from Bahmut on May 10, citing the lack of ammunition, a Ukrainian military official who spoke to CNN called that exit completely ‘bluff’. So much so that, according to the troops in the region, the Russians fire more than 20 thousand cannons a day at the positions in the city.




The Wagner leader also suggested handing over the region to the Chechen forces. The response from Kadyrov was not delayed. Chechen leader Kadyrov called on Putin, saying on social media that his soldiers were ready to take on Bahmut.
