All 21 characters at a glance

In Deadlock you can currently play 21 different heroes. We’ll show you who they are and what they can do in our list.

How many characters does Deadlock have? In Deadlock, you can currently test up to 21 playable heroes on the test version of Steam, all of which differ in their playstyle. The following are known:

  • Abrams
  • Bebop
  • dynamo
  • Grey Talon
  • Haze
  • Infernus
  • Ivy
  • Kelvin
  • Lady Spirit
  • Lash
  • McGinnis
  • Mo & Krill
  • paradox
  • Pocket
  • Seven
  • Shiv
  • Vindicta
  • Viscous
  • Warden
  • Wraith
  • Yamato
  • With our directory you can quickly jump to the individual heroes. Simply open the “Contents” box:

    We will now list all the heroes in a table, tell you whether they are beginner-friendly and reveal all their talents. Since Deadlock is mostly in English, all talents in the game are listed in their English descriptions. We will therefore provide the talents in a translated form in German.

    This is Deadlock – The new MOBA shooter from Valve

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    All heroes at a glance



    Is Abrams beginner friendly? Yes.

    All of Abrams’ talents:

  • Siphon Life: Drains health from enemies in front of you as long as they are within the radius.
  • Shoulder Charge: Rush forward, colliding with enemies and dragging them along. Speed ​​is increased after colliding with enemy heroes.
  • Infernal Resilience: Regenerates some of the damage taken over time.
  • Seismic Impact: Jump high into the air and choose a spot on the ground to hit. When you hit the ground, all enemies in the area will be damaged and stunned.
  • Bebop


    Is Bebop beginner-friendly? Yes.

    All Bebop talents:

  • Exploding Uppercut: Deals light melee damage to nearby units and knocks them back, dealing area damage where they land. Does not damage allies.
  • Sticky Bomb: Attaches a sticky bomb to a nearby target, dealing explosive damage after a short detonation time. Gain +2.5% bomb damage for each enemy hero hit.
  • Hooks: Throw out a hook that grabs and traps the first enemy or friendly hero it hits, dealing damage to enemies.
  • Hyper Beam: Charge your laser to unleash a powerful energy beam that deals damage and slows enemies. During this time, your movement and turning speed are slowed. If you activate it in mid-air, you will hover as you release the beam.
  • dynamo


    Is Dynamo beginner friendly? Yes.

    All Dynamo talents:

  • Kinetic Pulse: Release a pulse of energy that knocks enemies into the air.
  • Quantum Entanglement: Dynamo disappears briefly into the void and then reappears some distance away. When you reappear, your weapon is reloaded and has a fire rate bonus for the next magazine. Can be used with [M3] to also summon nearby allies and give them half a bonus to their rate of fire.
  • Rejuvenating Aurora: While channeling, you and all nearby allies will have their health restored over time.
  • Singularity: Create a singularity in your hands that attracts and damages nearby enemies. Once complete, enemies are knocked into the air.
  • Grey Talon

    Grey Talon

    Is Grey Talon beginner friendly? Yes.

    All Grey Talon talents:

  • Charged Shot: Charge a powerful shot that penetrates enemies. Hold [1] or [LMC]to hold the shot.
  • Rain of Arrows: Throws you high into the air and lets you glide slowly. While in the air, gain weapon damage and multishot on your weapon. Press [LEERTASTE]to abort the glide.
  • Immobilizing Trap: Throw out a trap that activates itself. Once armed, the trap will trigger when an enemy enters its radius, immobilizing them.
  • Guided Owl: After 1.5s cast, summon a ghost owl that you control and explodes on impact. Hold [LMC]to speed up the owl. Press [LEERTASTE]to release the control.
  • Haze


    Is Haze beginner friendly? Yes.

    All of Haze’s talents:

  • Sleep Dagger: Throw a dagger, damaging the target and putting them to sleep. Sleeping targets wake up shortly after the damage is dealt. Throwing a dagger does not break invisibility.
  • Smoke Bomb: Disappear from sight, becoming invisible and gaining sprint speed. Attacks remove invisibility. Nearby enemies can see through your invisibility.
  • Fixation: When you shoot a target, the damage your bullets do to that target increases, gaining one stack per hit, two if the hit is a headshot.
  • Bullet Dance: Activate a firestorm and fire your weapon at nearby enemies with perfect accuracy. During the firestorm, Haze will gain a bonus to fire rate and will dodge some of the bullets fired at her.
  • Infernus


    Is Infernus beginner friendly? Yes.

    All talents of Infernus:

  • Catalyst: Spit napalm that slows the enemy’s movement and increases the damage Infernus deals.
  • Flame Dash: Move forward at high speed and leave a trail of flames that burn enemies. Hold [LMC]to race faster.
  • Afterburn: Your orbs build up to apply a burning effect to enemies. Infernus orbs and abilities extend the duration.
  • Concussive Combustion: Transform yourself into a living bomb that explodes after a short delay, stunning all enemies in your radius.
  • Ivy


    Is Ivy beginner friendly? No.

    All of Ivy’s talents:

  • Kudzy Bomb: Summons a patch of suffocating vines that damages and slows enemies within its radius.
  • Watcher’s Covenant: Gain bonuses and automatically connect with a nearby ally to share them. Healing is spread to all allies. Connection requires line of sight.
  • TrueForm: Transform into impenetrable stone and slam into the ground to stun and damage nearby enemies. Heals you for a percentage of your maximum health. You have some air control before falling.
  • AirDrop: Fly with an ally or bomb. The ally gains bullet resistance but cannot attack or use abilities while airborne. Drop your ally or bomb to cause a large explosion that slows movement. Ivy and your ally gain bullet protection when flight ends. Fast cast time when targeting an ally, long cast time on self. [Linksklick] to accelerate the flight speed. [Rechtsklick] for dropping allies/bombs.
  • Those were the first 7 heroes from Deadlock. You can find the next 7 on page 2.
