Alkemy, acquisitions and major customers drive growth in 1st half

Alkemy acquisitions and major customers drive growth in 1st half

(Finance) – Alkemya company specializing in the evolution of the business model of large and medium-sized companies and listed on Euronext STAR Milan, closed on first semester of 2022 with revenues up by 10% to 49 million euros, thanks to the expansion of the group’s perimeter and the strong coverage of main customers supported by the Go-to-Market structure. L’Adjusted EBITDA was 5.4 million euro, up 8% due to the increase in the average turnover of the main customers and the focus on projects with greater added value. L’useful was equal to 2.5 million euros, an increase of 57.3%.

“The first six months of 2022 showed a polarization in the development of the topline – commented theCEO Duccio Vitali – On the one hand, existing customers have continued to invest in projects, on the other, the current context in which we find ourselves has led to a slowdown in new business activities, due to a wait-and-see attitude of potential new customers “.

“Furthermore, we have found growth disparity: projects involving data & analytics, technology and strategic consulting skills have accelerated, growing by double digits, while communication and digital marketing activities suffer from the uncertainty of the period “, he added.

There Net Financial Position (NFP) of the group as at 30 June 2022 is negative for -20.1 million euros, an improvement compared to the negative NFP of -21.2 million euros at 31 December 2021. The positive change of 1.1 million euros is mainly due to the generation of cash deriving from operating activities.

Taking into account the results achieved in the first half of 2022 and the current progress of the orders in the portfolio and contracts activated in the first months of the third quarter, barring the occurrence of further events that are currently not well foreseeable, Alkemy confirms that the expectation is to continue organic growthboth of revenues and margins.
