Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme, a type of protein that allows chemical reactions, present in the blood whose blood concentration is often measured to diagnose various diseases, especially liver and bone diseases. What does a low or high rate mean?
Definition: what are alkaline phosphatases?
THE alkaline phosphatase sometimes referred to by their acronym PAL, are a variety ofenzyme, a protein necessary for various chemical reactions in the body. “Alkaline phosphatases are widespread in the body: liver, bones, intestine, placenta, kidneys, lungs, red blood cells“, details Doctor Insisienmay, general practitioner, before adding: “as they are present in a large number of cell types, their level can vary in a wide variety of situations. Consequently, their analysis will depend heavily on context and other anomalies observed“.
What is the normal alkaline phosphatase level?
The alkaline phosphatase level is measured using a blood test for which fasting is not necessary. The reference values ββfor an adult are included, according to laboratory standards, between approximately 30 IU/l and 125 IU/l. In children and adolescents, the blood level is between 70 IU/l and 450 IU/l.
Why do alkaline phosphatases drop?
“The decrease in PAL is relatively rare, and can be observed in particular in the event ofgenetic hypophosphatasia, severe hepatic impairment, hypoparathyroidismor in case of large deficiencies or malnutritionβ, explains the specialist.
Why do alkaline phosphatases increase?
“PALs of hepatic and bone origin represent 80% of the circulating level. Their increase is also observed mainly in the context of hepatic (intra or extrahepatic cholestasis) or bone diseases (rickets, Paget’s disease, osteomalacia, hyperparathyroidism, primary bone cancers or bone metastases)“says Dr. Sonesadeth Insisienmay. The doctor adds that one can also observe a transient elevation of alkaline phosphatase”in certain upper respiratory tract infections or gastroenteritisin case of prolonged corticosteroid therapy, or in case of pregnancy (physiological placental production)“. The so-called “placental” alkaline phosphatases generally appear around the 20th week of pregnancy.
What to do in case of abnormal alkaline phosphatase levels?
We do not treat an abnormal rate of PAL, but we look for the cause, in order to treat it when possible.
Thanks to Dr Sonesadeth Insisienmay, GP.