Alice Teodorescu top candidate for KD: “Shocked”

Alice Teodorescu top candidate for KD Shocked



full screen Christian Democrats’ party leaders Ebba Busch (KD, th) and Alice Teodorescu Måwe. Photo: Samuel Steen/TT

Alice Teodorescu Måwe is proposed to be KD’s top name in the EU election. She thus pokes Sara Skyttedal.

– I was shocked, says Måwe, who has been a member of the party since yesterday.

Ebba Busch (KD) called the profiled social debater Alice Teodorescu Måwe on Thursday morning and asked if she wanted to be at the top of the KD’s EU electoral list before the parliamentary elections this summer.

– I thought, oh my God, she says during a press conference in the Riksdag.

The bourgeois debater accepted “with great humility and tingles in the stomach”, and she says she is looking forward to moving from commenting to acting, but points out that she has never been a politician. She has been a member of the party since yesterday.

– You can imagine how surprised I am by the decision I have now made, says Teodorescu Måwe.

She wants to return to what kind of agenda she intends to push before the election, but she emphasizes the importance of the EU as a peace and free trade project.

– The EU needs to unite but also narrow. There is a bourgeois realization that too big a state is not always good.

She is thus proposed to poke Sara Skyttedal, who has been a hotly debated profile in the Christian Democrats, not least after her statements about drugs.

The new reshuffle in KD ahead of the EU elections will very likely be hammered out at an extra party council in February.
