Alice Desbiolles: “The mask has been imposed on children without us really knowing what it brings”

Alice Desbiolles The mask has been imposed on children without

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    On her Twitter feed, epidemiologist Alice Desbiolles is indignant at the wearing of masks in children and its long-term effects, which we do not know. For her, “the risks must be weighed against the advantages”.

    You seem very critical of the usefulness of wearing a mask at school. Why ?

    Alice Desbiolles: Quite simply because there are no studies to date that are reliable, of good quality and correctly carried out indicating a real effect on a potential reduction in mortality or hospitalizations, on people at risk. The mask has been imposed on children without anyone really knowing what it brings, in short.

    What are the harms caused by wearing the mask you are talking about?

    Alice Desbiolles: The harmful effects of wearing a mask are beginning to be known and documented. They are relayed by pediatricians and health professionals, who note that the mental health of children is deteriorating. For example, child psychiatry consultations have jumped 80% since the start of this health crisis.

    And according to the results of a study conducted with pediatricians and parents of children, several negative effects of wearing a mask are reported by children. They said they were 80.9% generally bothered by the mask. The main symptoms or behavioral changes attributed to the mask, according to parents, were also headaches for 49% of cases, speech difficulties for 45%, mood changes for 45.2% of them. and respiratory problems at 28.1%. Not to mention language and learning disabilities.

    The problem is that it is the children already in difficulty who will be more penalized by the situation. This creates inequalities. Finally, wearing a mask during sports activities is not recommended by the WHO. But our children wear it. This is very serious.

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    Why do you think this mask is kept at school?

    Alice Desbiolles: I do not know. Maybe to feel like you’re doing something. Or to give pledges to “alarmist” doctors. I deplore this obligation for children. I don’t think many adults would agree to wear it while jogging. Once again, Covid is not a disease at risk of lethal or serious forms in children, except in special cases.

    I do not make a parallel between the two diseases, but we know for example that it is preferable to have chickenpox during childhood and that as an adult, the disease can be much more serious. I am not saying that children should be allowed to catch Covid voluntarily, but I am saying that by catching it as a child, they are less likely to have a serious form and they strengthen their immunity against this disease. And given Omicron’s contagiousness, it’s hard not to get infected for them, anyway.
