Ali Bongo’s CEO renews his teams for the 2023 presidential election

Ali Bongos CEO renews his teams for the 2023 presidential

In Gabon, five years after its last edition, the Ordinary Congress of the ruling party, the Gabonese Democratic Party (PDG) ended on Saturday 24 December. The movement is being transformed and a series of appointments have been announced.

For months, the presidential formation consulted its base to refine its change of team. The Head of State and Chairman of the CEO, Ali Bongochose the newcomers with the objective of winning the party in 2023.

Only nine months after its last renewal, the Gabonese Democratic Party is undergoing new changes. Half of the members of the executive secretariat were dismissed. Officially, the party is in battle order for the elections, with the passage, a rejuvenation and a feminization of executives.

The president felt that it was necessary to breathe new life into it. This change does not also mean that those who left have no merit, quite the contrary. The boss therefore made a dosage linked to these different generations. There is also meritocracy, there is loyalty and militancy “, explains Steeve Nzegho Dieko, the general secretary of the party.

► To read also: Gabon: at the congress of his party, Ali Bongo takes another step towards next year’s elections

Fake lawsuit »

A young senator and teacher, Steeve Nzegho Dieko was appointed in March, to the surprise of some. He therefore retains the reins of the party. ” Upon arriving, he was faced with a lawsuit for legitimacy. Today, people are convinced and think that it has sufficient thickness “says an official of the CEO. He would have been so successful in settling down that some believe that he and the political cabinet director, Cyriaque Mvourandjiami, had their relatives named. They see it as cronyism.

I believe that it is a false lawsuit which is made to me, it is a lawsuit in sorcery which is made to me. The general secretary can be associated from time to time with the decision, but the final decision rests with the president. No decision can be unanimous “, answers Steve Nzegho Dieko.

An inside source says the convention is causing high expectations and frustrations among some left behind. In any case, the upheaval is not over since we are still awaiting appointments to the political office and to the National Council.
