Alfonsino, assembly approves budget and appoints Board of Directors

Alfonsino assembly approves budget and appoints Board of Directors

(Finance) – The shareholders’ meeting of Alfonsinoan innovative SME, operating in the so-called ‘Order & Delivery’ sector and focused on small and medium-sized Italian centres, in an ordinary session, approved the financial statement 2023 and appointedwith the list voting mechanism, the new Board of Directorspreviously defining the number of members as 5 (five) and establishing the duration of the related assignment.

The members of the new Board of Directors were taken from the only list filed, presented jointly by the shareholders Domenico Pascarella, Carmine Iodice, Valerio Chiacchio and Armando Cipriani who hold, overall, no. 6,548,506 shares, equal to 52.38% of the share capital. The new Board of Directors is composed as follows: Domenico Pascarella; Carmine Iodice; Valerio Chiacchio; Armando Cipriani; and Paolo Picazio.

The Company’s Assembly also has Domenico Pascarella confirmed as President of the Board of Directors.

The Shareholders’ Meeting, in ordinary session, also appointed, with the list voting mechanism, the new Board of Statutory Auditors of Alfonsino, who will remain in office for three financial years and more precisely until the date of the Assembly called to approve the financial statements for the financial year which will end on 31 December 2026, also establishing the related compensation.
The members of the new Board of Auditors were taken from the only list filed, presented jointly by the shareholders Domenico Pascarella, Carmine Iodice, Valerio Chiacchio and Armando Cipriani who hold, overall, no. 6,548,506 shares, equal to 52.38% of the share capital. The new Board of Auditors is composed as follows: Acting Auditors, Pipolo Pierluigi, Lazzarini Alessandro, Cuscunà Giuseppe Antonio. Alternate Auditors: Polizzi Giovanni, Lazzarini Marco.

The Assembly appointed, pursuant to the Company’s statute, the President of the Board of Statutory Auditors in the person of Pierluigi Pipolo.
