Alexia Daval’s mother has her idea on how Jonathann killed her

Alexia Davals mother has her idea on how Jonathann killed

Did Jonathann Daval drug his wife Alexia before killing her? For Alexia’s mother, it’s a certainty. Isabelle Fouillot has also presented her thesis to the media.

Will we ever know what really happened during the last minutes of Alexia Daval’s life? Why was she killed by her husband Jonathann? During his trial, the man who was convicted of the murder of his wife in November 2020 appeared withdrawn, recognizing only impulse gestures driven by anger and frustration. But for Isabelle Fouillot, the mother of Alexia Daval, Jonathann was an executioner who meticulously engineered the disappearance of her daughter. “He did not recognize that he was drugging her”, but “there is premeditation on the part of the drugs he was giving her”, she declared at France 3 last October 28. For Isabelle Fouillot, her daughter was murdered by a man who wanted her dead. A theory explored by investigators but quickly dismissed due to the unverifiable nature of this scenario.

If Isabelle Fouillot is convinced that her son-in-law drugged her daughter, it is because for her there is no other explanation for her changes in attitude in the last months of her life. This very personal thesis is very developed in the book published by the parents of Alexia Daval, last year, by Robert Laffont editions: “We wondered if she was not becoming anorexic. But we do not fall sick like that, you need a reason, a malaise. […] The only thing I regret is not having seen it before. I blame myself, I could see that she was losing weight “And to add:” We are formal, for us, she was sedated “.

Isabelle’s mother relies for her statements on the results of the autopsy, carried out at the end of 2017, a few days after the discovery of the body of the young woman. According to the expertise, revealed in 2019 by Le Parisien, the analyzes had “revealed the presence of three molecules ingested regularly for almost a year before his death, with a clear increase over the last few months”: zolpidem, tetrazepam, a muscle relaxant and a powerful analgesic, tramadol. Did she ingest these products on her own? Alexia Daval’s mother never believed him, regularly reminding her that her daughter wanted to get pregnant and should not take heavy and long-lasting medication.
