Alexandre learned Swedish by listening to Arvingarna

It started when Alexandre Yanagui was little. Then he and “the mother”, as he says, listened to vocal groups such as Abba, Roxette and The Beatles.

But it was only in 2019 when Alexandre was 14 years old that he started to take an interest in who Abba were.

– I thought they were from Canada, Australia, the USA or the UK. But then I googled and saw that they were from Sweden. But my God, what is Sweden?

It sparked an interest in the country and he started googling what music the Swedes listen to, what language is spoken and what the culture looks like. And now he wanted to learn the language.

At first he used language apps, but he wanted more than to know “basic Swedish”.

Found Sweden’s Radio: “Became saved”

Then came the turn. During the 2020 pandemic, he found the sr program Vaken with P3 and P4.

– They played the song “I do” with Arvingarna. Then I thought: My God, what a damn good song. Since that day I have listened to almost everything by them. I was completely saved. It was undoubtedly the Heirs who taught me Swedish.

When Alexandre started listening to Sveriges Radio, he could read Swedish texts, but he did not understand what was said. But the more he listened, the more his understanding of the language began to develop.

– Via Facebook I started requesting songs and in January 2021 I got my first song played, it was Carola with the song “True friends”. Then people were surprised that I was Brazilian, spoke Swedish and wanted songs in Vaken with P3 and P4. A lot of people started talking to me in the comments section. And some became my friends.

The visual impairment helped with the Swedish

When Alexandre was born, he was blind. Nothing was discovered until his mother took him to several doctor’s appointments and finally got the news. After that he started vision therapy.

– Today I see less than 30 percent, he says.

Alexandre has never been interested in children’s programs, mainly because there is a lot going on in the picture and that made it difficult to keep up.

– When I was two to three years old, I instead became interested in politics and I started studying it for real when I was nine years old. The visual impairment has developed my other senses and especially hearing. It’s so interesting how it helps.

Becoming a politician and diplomat is Alexandre’s dream. Preferably in Sweden – if he gets Swedish citizenship.

The surprise: “Do you hear who it is?”

Alexandre has previously received a video greeting from the dance band idols Arvingarna, which Göteborgs-Posten via Emma Garzon, freelancer in Brazil, previously told.

But now he can tick off another dream.

– Hello Alexandre! Do you hear who it is, says the frontman of Arvingarna Casper Janebrink, who surprises Alexandre in the TV4 Nyhetern video interview.

– I have made a playlist with only Arvingarna songs. I listen to you so much that even “the mother” likes you, exclaims Alexandre.

Although Alexandre speaks fluent Swedish and has extensive knowledge of Sweden, he has never visited the country.

– How nice to meet you. I sincerely hope that you get the chance to come to Sweden and when you do, we will absolutely make sure to meet. Then you can come and listen to us when we play, promises Janebrink.

How big was that?

– My God, it’s like I’ve met the king, says Alexandre with a big smile.
