Alexandra Rosenfeld hospitalized in emergency for a thrombosis: Symptoms to watch out for

Alexandra Rosenfeld hospitalized in emergency for a thrombosis Symptoms to

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director)

    On Wednesday, July 17, Alexandra Rosenfeld had to be hospitalized urgently for deep vein thrombosis. Doctissimo explains the causes and consequences of this condition.

    While Miss France 2006, currently a yoga teacher in Biarritz, takes great care of her body and her health, she had to be admitted to the emergency room on Wednesday, July 17. The reason? The young woman suffers from deep vein thrombosis of the iliac and femoral veins.

    Extremely painful venous thrombosis

    As soon as she arrived at the hospital, Alexandra Rosenfeld confirmed the illness she was suffering from: venous thrombosis, which is a blood clot that forms in a deep vein.

    Thrombosis confirmed, we’re waiting for the rest. We’ll check if there’s a pulmonary embolism, given my symptoms“, wrote the Miss on social media.

    Although no pulmonary embolism had been detected by the doctors (the pulmonary and cardiac consequences of which are life-threatening), Ava and Jim’s mother was still suffering enormously from her thrombosis.

    It’s not going well at all, I have pain everywhere, it’s awful. They tell me to go to the emergency room except that I am unable to move and once there, I saw it with my own eyes, they don’t keep anyone. My GP is going to come to the emergency room before his day. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. These waits, not knowing where it comes from… It’s the hardest part” she confided.

    Following this new examination, Alexandra Rosenfeld was able to obtain more information about her state of health.

    It is common with very deep thromboses of the iliac and femoral veins that the phlebitis goes everywhere. So I also have the thigh and the calf” she explained.

    The young woman suffers from “Cockett syndrome”

    This Tuesday, Hugo Clément’s partner revealed new details about the phlebitis she suffers from. She reveals that she suffers from Cockett syndrome, or May-Thurner syndrome, characterized, precisely, by deep vein thrombosis of the left common iliac vein, located between the right common iliac artery and the fifth lumbar vertebra.

    Its clinical manifestations can be deep venous thrombosis, most often of the left lower limb, or signs of chronic venous insufficiency. Its incidence is estimated at between 2 and 5% of venous pathology, with a predominance in women aged 20 to 40 years.“, details the site EM Consult.

    Dr Gérald Kierzek’s opinion on this separate case

    If women are more prone to phlebitis – due in particular to hormonal fluctuations and multiple pregnancies – the case of Alexandra Rosenfeld is “surprising” assures Dr. Gérald Kierzek.

    It is surprising to have a spontaneous deep vein thrombosis. Usually, it is certain risk factors that are at the origin – pregnancy, obesity, recent surgery, cancer, abnormalities of clotting factors… In this situation, it is therefore advisable to make a complete diagnosis (ultrasound-Doppler and scanner) because the clot can migrate to the lung“, warns the medical director of Doctissimo. “UA genetic assessment must also be carried out“, to sweep away the young woman’s genetic predispositions, he adds.

    The right attitude to adopt, according to him, to limit the risks of thrombosis?

    Take, if necessary, anticoagulants (prescribed by a doctor) and wear support stockings.

    On the plane, also remember to hydrate yourself well and walk a lot, especially when the journey lasts more than four hours.“, recommends, in conclusion, Dr Gérald Kierzek.
