Alert: this coloring sold everywhere in France is carcinogenic

Alert this coloring sold everywhere in France is carcinogenic

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    Medical validation:
    September 15, 2022

    The cosmetic product subject to this recall may contain a carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic substance.

    Like many, do you color your hair at home? Please note that you may be affected by this recall.

    What color is involved?

    The targeted product is a “3.0 dark brown color” from the Rubella brand.

    • Product category:
    • Product subcategory:
    • Product brand name:
    • Model names or references:
    • Batch: 19102120
    • GTIN: 3800038933144
    • Geographical area of ​​sale: whole of France
    • Distributor: B&M France
    • Reason for the recall: Presence of prohibited substance D4, classified as CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic)
    • Consumer Risks: Internal Damage

    The brand invites consumers who have purchased this product to destroy it or return it to a point of sale to exchange it or obtain a refund, until the end date of the recall procedure, i.e. Tuesday, September 20. 2022.

    The Rappel Conso site also recalls that the coloring concerned by the recall can cause “internal damage”. In other words, it can alter the structure and/or the number of cell chromosomes and can even cause the appearance of cancer.

    Finally, the color can cause fertility problems or alter the development of the fetus or the child (abortion, developmental delay, hypotrophy, prematurity, malformations, etc.).

    What to do if you have applied this coloring to the hair?

    In case of contact with the chemical, immediately rinse your scalp and hair with clean water for at least 20 minutes.

    A medical appointment must then be made quickly.
